Chapter Eight

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
I started waking up to soon see that I was in the Hospital Wing and to hear people talking frantically and I looked to see Harry and Hermione talking with Professor Dumbledore and I soon step and sat on the edge of the bed and listened in on them talking about what happened earlier, “I’m assuming I didn’t miss much” I said rubbing my eyes and saw that they were all looking at me, “well no, not really but it was weird after you had fainted the wolf that Professor Lupin turned into, looked like it was worried about you when you laid there unconscious because it had started sniffing and whimpering as it looked at you, but after that Hermione helped you here while Snape did the same for Harry after he had run off to help Sirius” Ron shouted to me and I just furrowed my brows not knowing what to think as they continued to talk about what to do especially when Dumbledore talked to Hermione about not being seen and what not before he left, “what in the bloody hell was that all about” Ron said before I spoke up, “ya what was Dumbledor talking about, it sounded like he was talking about time travel or something” I said to Hermione, “he was, but since you you can barely keep you balance and that Ron can’t walk, the both of you can’t come with us for this” Hermione said before putting something around her and Harry’s neck and soon disappeared and were now gone as if nothing had happened and I went over to Ron, “how are you feeling” I asked as I sat down next to his bed, “I’m alright I guess, the leg still hurts though, how about you since you fainted” he said and I just shrugged, “I’m not doing too bad, still feeling a little drowsy” I answered before Hermione and Harry came rushing in and both Ron and I looked at the both of them confused, “how did you get there, when we were just talking to you there and now your there” Ron said as he had a small freak out, “ya he’s right, we were just talking with you guys only a moment ago” I said confused, especially how quick they were, “What are they talking about Harry?” Hermione asked Harry before he spoke up, “Honestly Ron, how can somebody be in two places at once?” Harry said as the both of them walked up to us and they just told us about what had happened.

Just before I was about to leave the Hospital Wing someone grabbed my arm and I turned to see that it was Hermione, “what is it” I asked before she grabbed something out of her pocket, “Sirius wanted me to give you this, I thinks it’s a letter” she said and I grabbed it and smiled at her before leaving, “I’ll see you later” I said and left and as I walked to mine, Ginny’s and Hermione’s shared dorm I opened the piece of paper that Hermione gave me and began to read the letter. 

Dear Genevieve 
I know we do not know each other well, but one thing for sure is that I know Remus as he has been my best friend for years since our day’s at Hogwarts, I know about Werewolves having Soulmates with both Humans and Werewolves, but no matter the age the other is, he will try and push you away Soulmate or not, believe me he’s tried that with us when me and a few others wanted to help him every month. I know that you Are a nice girl from what I’ve briefly seen earlier today when you were with Harry and his friends, and I know that you and Remus have just recently met in the past year, but I know that you are good for each other and I know you will understand him just as much as I do so I know he’s in good hands.

I also heard that you are related to Professor McGonagall, I never knew she had any other relatives besides her younger brothers, if you can do me a favor and tell her I say Hello if you don’t mind please and thank you anyways, I hope to see you again one day soon and keep an eye on Harry for me would and if you want, keep tabs with me so I know that he’s alright, my address will be at the end of this letter. Like I said before, I hope to see you again soon and take care and I promise to keep an eye on Remus for you if it will make you feel better and I’ll keep you updated when I can if you’d like as well. 

12 Grimmauld Place 


Sirius Black

I finished reading the letter from Sirius and I smiled to myself knowing that he will be alright and I soon had gone to the washrooms and cleaned myself up a little before getting changed into something a little more comfortable and decided not to go to my shared dorm just yet and I decided to take a walk since I couldn’t fall asleep yet until I bumped into someone and saw that it was Aunt Minerva as it looked like she was doing patrol, “Genevieve, what are you doing wandering the halls at this time, you should be in bed” she said and I just shrugged, “I couldn’t sleep and besides, I wanted to talk to you about something” I said and she nodded, “ok, what is that you wanted to talk about then dear” she said and  sighed, “were you ever going to tell me about Professor Lupin and I, about the whole Soulmate thing” I asked her as she looked shocked, “how did you hear about this, dd he tell you about it” she asked and I shook my head, “you wouldn’t believe me if I told you how it happened” I told her as I kept my head down and fiddled with my fingers, “tell me about how this came to be” she said as she gestured for me to sit down on a nearby bench, “it’s a long story” I told her, “well tell me anyways” she said and I told her everything about what happened, especially about how we found out that Sirius was the Innocent one and that Ron’s rat Scabbers was really Peter Petigrew and was the one who betrayed Harry’s parents, “is everything you told me really true” she asked and I nodded, “the others will say the same thing” I said not knowing what else to say about it, “alright then, I believe you and what you are tell me now why don’t you got to bed now, you look tired” she said and I nodded and went back to my shared dorm for the night. By the time I finally got there, I saw that Hermione was just getting into bed herself, “how are you feeling” she asked, “I’m alright, how about you” I said and she smiled, “same, just glad everything is alright now and that Peter Petigrew goes to azkaban” she said and I shrugged, “me to, but I doubt anyone would believe Sirius is Innocent about what happened Twelve years ago” I told her and she just nodded, “you’re probably right, lets just go to bed now and get some sleep” she said and I agreed and we both fell asleep for the night.

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