Chapter Sixteen

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
It was now the day of the Second Task and I was walking with Harry and Neville until Neville had given us the Gillyweed, “you’re sure about this Neville” Harry asked, “your asking this to the only person who knows more about Herbology than anyone in the school besides Professor Sprout” I said to Harry, “she’s right, Absolutely” Neville answered, “for an hour” Harry asked making sure, “most likely” Neville answered and Harry had a panicked look on his face, “Most likely” He repeated before Neville spoke up again, “well, there is some debate among Herbologits as to the effects of fresh water versus salt water” Neville began to say until Harry interrupted, “you’re telling me this now? You must be joking” Harry said and I sighed, “relax Harry I’m sure we’ll be fine” I said, “I just wanted to help” Neville said as Harry turned to look back, “well, that makes you a right sight better than Ron and Hermione. Where are they anyways” Harry said until Fred came up to us in a panic, “Fred what’s wrong, where’s George” I asked as he caught his breath, “I don’t know that’s why I came to you cause I thought he would be here with you” he said to me as I had also became worried to not see Fred, Ron and Hermione and we soon got on the Boats and headed to where the Second Task was going to be and by the time we got there, all five of us Champions stood side by side in a line and waited for the Cannon to go off as Dumbledore spoke, “Welcome to the Second Task. Last night, something was stolen from each of our Champions. A treasure of sorts. These Five treasures, one for each Champion now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each Championneed only finds their Treasure and returns to the surface. Simple enough except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only” Dumbledore was saying as both Harry and I had put the Gillyweed in our mouths and I noticed Harry begin to gag, “we never said that it would taste like candy” I whispered to him as I tried to keep the Gillyweed down as well, “after that, they’ll be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the sound of the cannon” and that was when it had suddenly gone off and we dove into the water and that was when the Gillyweed had done its thing and gave me fins and gills and I soon began to swim to find what Dumbledore was talking about. 

After some time had gone by, I soon found what looked like people tied from the bottom of the lake and I swam over to see Cedric and Harry untying Cho and Ron and as I got closer, I saw what looked like George and I immediately began to untie him before looking at Harry, “good luck” I said before swimming up to the surface along with Cedric and made it to the surface with George as we soon swam to the dock and we were soon smothered in towels and waited with the others to come up as well. After waiting for Harry to come up after not seeing him with Rom or the girl, he finally sprang out of the water and landed on the wooden flooring and everyone crowded around him and after seeing Fleur with Ron I walked up to him with a smile on my face, “how are you feeling” I asked giving him a towel, “better now, did you see what happened, Fleur she, she” he said and I chuckled, “I know, I saw what happened” I said until we had to cover our ears, “ATTENTION” Professor Dumbledore said and everyone began to quiet down, “the winner is Mr. Diggory, who showed innate command of the bubble head charm, however seeing as Mr. Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr. Weasley but the others as well, we’ve agreed to award himSecond place, for outstanding Moral Fiber” he said and we cheered, “that’s great, you deserve it Harry” said gently patting his shoulder and Viktor, Fleur and I were told what place we had gotten and I had gotten third before we all began to leave and head back to the Castle. By the time we got to the pier wrapped in our towels we continued to talk about what happened and teased about the Moral Fiber thing until we saw Mr. Crouch standing there, “congratulations Potter, Fine achievement and congratulations to you as well Miss. Genevieve” he said to us, “thank you” Harry and I said at the same time as we walked with the man, “see you at Hagrid’s Harry and Genny” we heard Ron say and I waved, “I’m sorry we haven’t spoken to either of you. After all, your story is one I’ve heard so many times. Quite remarkable really. Tragic of course to lose one’s family, never whole again are we” he said mostly to Harry as we stopped walking, “still, life goes on and here we stand” he said and we just stood there, “I guess you make a good point on that sir” I said trying to break the tension until I noticed Professor Moody walking up as Mr. Crouch spoke up again, “I guess you’re right Miss. Genevieve but I’m sure your parents would be very proud of you today Potter and the same goes for you Miss. Genevieve about your Aunt” he said to the both of us and I smiled until Professor Mood finally spoke up, “Bartemius. Not trying to lure Potter and McGonagall into one of the Ministry’s summer internships are we? The last boy who that went into the the Department of Mysteries never came out” he said to the man before doing his weird tongue thing and Mr. Crouch walked up to him as if something was wrong before walking away, “and they say I’m mad” Professor Moody shouted taking another swig from his flask and we soon finally headed back to the Castle, “I don’t know how many times I have to say this but I swear this man give me the creeps and that there is something going on” I whispered to Harry as we rushed back.

Later that night after getting dried off and warm, both Harry and I grabbed our things before heading out with Ron and Hermione to see Hagrid. And we were walking through the forest as Hagrid spoke up, “Now I remember, I remember when I first met you all. Biggest Bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on. Suppose you remind me of me self a little, and here we all are, Four years later” Hagrid said as we continued to walk, “we’re still a bunch misfits” Ron said as we laughed a little, “Ron’s right and I don’t think they’ll ever stop being Misfits” I said before Hagrid spoke up again, “well maybe, oh and believe memes Genevieve, you were just as bad with Fred and George. But we’ve all got each other and Harry of course. Soon to be the youngest TriWizard Champion there’s ever been, Hooray” Hagrid shouted and we laughed and we sang a song before Harry came rushing to us, “Harry what’s Wrong, what’s Happened” I asked as he tried to form what to say, “Something happened to Mr. Crouch” he said as he rushed away and we soon followed to soon see his body on the ground, “Hagrid what do we do” I asked as my brain was still processing what we saw in front of us, “for now we go and tell Dumbledore about what we saw tonight, as for the body though, I’m not exactly sure” he said and we soon left the scene and headed back to the Castle for the night and after putting my things away, I soon went to go see Aunt Minerva and by the time I got there and walked in she was making tea, “oh hello dear, I thought you were with Hagrid with Harry, Ron and Hermione” she said as we both sat down, “we were but Harry had seen Barty Crouch dead in the forest and we were told to head back” I told her and she was shocked, “oh dear, how are you feeling considering, you know” she said and I just shrugged considering I never really seen a dead body before, “could be better I guess” I answered and she moved to sit next to me, “I know it’s a lot to take in right now considering you’re also going through the Tournament and all, but remember that it will get better eventually” she said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and we continued to talk for a while over tea before we both decided to go to bed for the night, “well dear, you should go and get some sleep, alright” she said as she hugged me, “alright Auntie. I love you” I said before breaking the hug, “goodnight sweety and I love you to” she said and I left her Quarters and headed back to my shared dorm for the rest of the night and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.     

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