I thought today was the day I could finally tell you how I actually feel.

I'm done with you, Yedam.

I don't want to see your face ever again.

Was it wrong that I yelled at her? Was that flare of jealousy I felt when I saw her with Seon valid?

Did I like Sooah? Do I not see her in a platonic way anymore?

I shook my head violently. I need to find her first before anything else. But I was visibly panicking. The other guests were looking at me strangely as I rushed here and there.

"Yedam?", someone said and I turned around. Choi Seon was standing behind me, his arms looped with a pretty girl's.

"Have you seen Sooah?", he asked as he motioned towards the girl, "I wanted to introduce her to someone."

My eyes shuttled between the Seon and the girl. I groaned inwardly as it hit me.

"Is this your girlfriend?", I asked and Seon looked proud, before nodding.

"This is Jia", he said brightly and the girl bowed her head softly, "We've been dating for a few months now."

Oh shit.

"So, where's Sooah?", he asked again and I swallowed nervously.

"I don't know", I admitted, "We had a fight and now I can't find her."

Seon gave me a tentative smile, "Can I ask you something?", he asked and I nodded.

"Do you like Sooah?"

I stared at him. I didn't know how to answer that. 'Like' seemed too weak a word to describe what I felt for her.

"It's okay, don't answer if you don't want to", he said quickly, "But if you do, I'll be rooting for the both of you. You were meant to be with each other."

Seon gave me one more smile before drifting back into the crowd with his girlfriend. I closed my eyes before deciding on what to do.

I love you, Sooah and I'm going to tell you that when I find you.


Sooah's POV:

What a tragedy!

Does this get any more pathetic than this?

I stared out of the window of the moving bus. Everyone was staring at me. I mean, who wouldn't? I was wearing a dress, and I was holding my heels in my hands. I also looked like my dog was run over.

No, I wasn't going back home. I was going to Doyoung's. He'd be surprised to see me back this early but I'd rather bunk with him than stay alone until I did something stupid.

I got out of the bus and walked to Doyoung's apartment. The night guard gave me a surprised glance before letting me in. I entered the elevator; Doyoung lived at the very top and I stared at myself in the mirror.

I look like shit.

My hair was down in lank curls, and my face was streaked in tear tracks, further intensified by the cakey foundation I was wearing. I sighed. Doyoung will kill Yedam tomorrow when I tell him everything.

I stepped out once the elevator reached his floor and walked towards his front door. Surprisingly it wasn't closed, and I opened it slowly, not wanting to be loud lest he was asleep.

I dragged my feet across the living room when I heard some quiet sounds coming from the bedroom. My ears perked up.

I could hear soft laughs.

Doyoung's not alone?

I tiptoed to his room and stared at the sight in front of me.

My jaw dropped.

My brother was sitting up on the bed and Doyoung was laying across his lap. They were whispering to each. Jihoon suddenly dipped his head and brushed his lips against Doyoung's.

I gasped and my heels slipped out of my grip.

The both of them sprung apart. Jihoon's hands went to his mouth when he saw me at the doorway. Doyoung froze like a deer caught in the headlights.

I blinked twice.

Are they together?

Why didn't they tell me?

"Sooah", Jihoonie Oppa said slowly, "We can explain—"

"NO", I yelled as I started crying again, "There's nothing to fucking explain. Don't even bother to tell me anything."

I grabbed my heels from the floor and dashed out quickly.

They were calling out to me.

I ran out of the apartment, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I broke down once I reached the lobby.

I need to fucking leave.

midnight love ┃ bang yedam Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon