Filler Six

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Arjun was very happy ,his sister is getting married and his best friend Madhav is coming to attend the wedding along with his sister,Subhadra.

Arjun felt butterflies in his stomach on hearing the name of Subhadra from his mother.he has met her only once during the kalapradarshan but he liked her very much. He was getting almost restless waiting for her.....them.

He also felt that Krishna being in Hastinapur will bring him more fame and show that suta Putra that winning once against Arjun, will not make him eligible to rub shoulders with the upper class people.


Nakul was getting suspicious about the activities of his twin ,they were always near each other and had a special bond , so ,he decided to ask sahadev for an explanation.
He asked his twin that , where did he went daily in the morning but he always made an excuse.
sometimes about going to library ,some times about visiting a temple and sometime talking a walk outside the palace.
He wanted to know what sahadev was upto nowadays. He told Bheem as much but Bheem laughed and said that it must be about a girl , sahadev must be feeling shy talking about her ,just like Arjun,so leave him alone.he will talk when the time is right.


Kunti was anxious ,after kalapradarshan ,she realised her first born was alive ,now that shri Krishna is coming to Hastinapur ,she thought that she could reveal the truth with his help,after all he is the avatar o f shri hair Vishnu ,
but the question is ,
Does she  really wants the truth to come out?
Her other sons are gaining popularity, right now after Panchal war and it would not be long before yudhisthira is entitled crown prince,with the help of Bhishma and Vidur.
She will see to it.
Revealing the truth now would be an stupid move,she thought.
She has seen karna and his sister Shakti at that incident ,they are too liberated and speak up their mind without any filter .
They had brought unbalance to their lives,she thought and schooled her expressions to not reveal ,anything to anyone.she will wait for the right time.


Madhav smiled, he was going to be the part of stroy from now on and it would be an interesting one to say the least,he wanted to see, what choices these people would make this time.afterall it is our choices that make up our destiny.
************************** Thank you
Goodnight ☘️😉❤️

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