Chapter 9

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Hi Harry

Guess what

I'm bored

My time has come

And I texted Louis and he said he's with his girlfriend

But don't you have classes now

I do but......




How How How

Tell me how?

I was just wandering around until some guy who looks like a quarterback from every other high school romance movies cat-called me. I was already having a bad day because my shoes caught fire and I have to walk on over-sized flip-flops, so this guy really pissed me off. I flipped him off and then his big, fat, filthy, gross ego got hurt and he acted like he got hurt and also managed to have a crowd to witness his wonderful performance. Even our professor left her office to see what was happening

Then he told her that I punched him when I didn't, this blew my beautiful brains so much that actually punched him in front of everyone, for lying. I wanted to tell her what happened but she wouldn't listen 

And that's how I ended up here.

How hard did you punch him tho

Good question 

I felt his nose break and watched it bleed

No wonder your professor didn't listen to you


Your shoes caught fire?


Its a stupid thing that I did

My shoes were wet because of the snow and they didn't dry overnight



I used the microwave and both, the microwave and my shoes caught fire

Rick and Monica aren't talking to me ever since

You work in a bakery!!

You literally work in a bakery 

How could you let that happen

I don't know much about microwaves, they use Convection Ovens

And also I don't bake the things

Sure I learned a few things as Scott taught me but I don't know much about Ovens

When I worked in the bakery I learned everything about ovens

Are you flexing??

If you are then guess what!

I can make croissants and cookies pretty well

I learned about ovens to ensure safety 

I am not working with ovens anyway

My bakery is better then, I wasn't working with ovens either

Yep you're definitely flexing like every other manchild

Let that go 

please please please please 

You literally are a child

Aww DeAr HaRrY, SaNtA Is GoInG to GiVe YoU So MaNy PrEsEnTs!!

It took a lot of effort to type like that

Heyy, guess what 

Christmas is in a week 

Wait really?

Omg yess

I love Christmas and the 15 holidays that come with it 

I'm gonna meet my parents after sooo long

Me too

I am gonna meet them after almost one whole year

That's really long

Yep, I know

My sister says I should quit my job with my friends and work in some smaller dance schools

Like a do-over

I think its a good idea tho

Your school, based on what you said, is toxic

It is different and difficult


So you have a sister



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