Chapter 4

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Buying groceries can be boring most of the times but it isn't more boring than having to listen to Monica's rant about Rick's habit of buying unnecessary groceries. Suhana did not want either of them to lose their voices from excess shouting. She thought it was funny in the beginning but it soon became a roaring contest and Soha got scared and offered to get groceries though it wasn't her turn yet. 

She was wearing a white T-shirt suggested....more like forced by Monica so that her dark brown hair stands out. Suhana has never been in a real relationship before. Her last date was when she was 17 with a guy named Jack. She did not want to date again after he kissed her without consent.'It's stupid of Monica to think that someone would ask me out in a grocery store', she thought.

She wanted to buy 2 boxes of cream cheese but didn't, out of fear. She felt a tap on her shoulder when she was choosing between different flavors of ice cream. She turned around to see a dark haired, tall guy with hazel eyes."Hey, um....I'm uh....I'm Lucas"

Welp, she definitely thought too soon.

"Hey, I am Suhana", she said. She face palmed herself for what she thought earlier.

"I think you're cute", He said nervously. Soha had a strange feeling of  déjà vu when he said that.

"Are you doing a dare or something ?"

"What...No...what....why'd you ask that ?"

" friend ended up guilty doing a similar dare. I just wanted to ask"

"I'm not doing a dare, I genuinely think you're cute"

"Well, you're not nervous anymore, see", She smirked.

"Thats....true", he inhaled "I like you Suhana, I think......Would like to um....go out with me"

She wanted to say no but she also didn't want to say no. It was weird.

"Um", She looked at her toes, then back back to his eyes "We barely know each other....hell, we actually don't know each other". He looked more comfortable now.

"Well, I... happen to be interested in a pretty girl like you and..... to say according to what I see in the mirror.... I'd think you have a great taste if you said yes", he said looking more confident.

Soha giggled at what he just said. "Well then, I'll say yes..... not because of what you see in the mirror though. I think you're funny, Lucas", she said making him grin.

"And I think you're smart,", he said looking hesitant of what he's about to say "Can I get your number ?"

"Sure", she gave him her number "You'll ask me out on the phone ?"

"I already asked you out, I'll just text you the locations"

"You won't pick me up ?", she said pretending to be disappointed.

"I don't know where you live", he said not as confident as before.

"You won't find out ?", she said internally laughing.

His face turned pale. He looked as though he lost all his confidence he gained during this conversation "I...uh..I'll-"

"I'm messing with you", she cut him off.

"Oh", he giggled "I got tensed for a bit", he said just watching her laugh.

"You looked like a deflated balloon", she continued to laugh "Also like the dog from those stories who lost its bone"

He laughed at what she said "Okay but why'd you compare yourself to a bone"

"That's not the point"

Their conversation went on like this as they were getting groceries.

"Okay, see you at, bye", Lucas said, waving his hand.

"Okay, bye", Suhana said and started walking home thinking about when they'll go out.


Soha reached her apartment. She rang the bell.

"It's open", Rick yelled from inside.She sighed and got in just to look at Monica and Rick dancing to 'New Romantics' like nothing ever happened which was not surprising at all. It's normal for them fight for 3 hours and then get back in 3 seconds. 

"Cuz baby we're the new romantics, come on come along with mee', Soha started jamming with them after keeping the groceries in their places.

"Hey, you look happy', Monica said looking excited.

"Um...I bought ice cream", Soha said not giving away anything they'd be interested in at the moment.

"Be honest", Rick joined.

"I am. It's in the fridge and its Chocolate chip!"

"That is definitely good news but...your cheeks are pink, love", Rick said taking a picture of Suhana.

"You're not English right, why do you say 'love' ?". She didn't know she was blushing until he mentioned it.

"Stop changing the topic", Monica said sounding confident "Tell us what happened at the store"

"Well, I bought groceries and someone asked me out", she said like it was nothing. She felt it was normal when he asked her but she was freaking out more and more as she thought about it.

Both Rick and Monica screamed at hearing it, which made Suhana calm down a bit. 

"What did you say !", Rick asked

"I said yes", Suhana screamed, not being able to control it anymore.

The friends screamed together. 

"Who is he?, when are you going out ? and what does he look like an-", Monica was cut off by Suhana.

"His name is Lucas and he is really funny and a bit....anxious. And he looks pretty much like every other human", she got punched in the stomach for saying it. "Okay, okay....he has dark hair an-"

"Shut up', Rick said "We are not going to make a portrait of him. Just..does he look good?"

"Yeah, he does", she said with a look of 'whatdoyoumean' on her face.

"When is your date?", Monica asked

"I dunno, he said said he'll text me"

"Oh, you're finally seeing someone, Soha. I knew grocery store was the place"

"How?", Soha asked.

"That's where I met my ex"

"He is also an ex', Rick said making them laugh. "but its nice to know you're finally grown up"

"Oh stop acting like my parents"

"Soha, you need to tell your parents!", 

"Yes!, I"

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