Chapter 6

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Suhana just finished eating her ice cream when she got a text from Lucas saying their date is at St. James Park . He also said he had a surprise for her. The date is in the evening so she still had time to get ready. She wasn't planning on painting her face and getting ready like its her wedding. She was gonna wear something casual and she told him that because she didn't want him to wear anything heavy or uncomfortable. 

She was thinking about her date when she got a text from Harry, the anonymous wrong number man.

Hey, u free?


Whats up


Why'd you text me if you have really fun friend called Louis 

I am bored and exhausted and wanted to text some one who wouldn't be exhausted

Okay but why would anyone be exhausted on a Sunday?

Work requires

Okay....may I ask you what's your job?

U first

I am still in collage but I work in a bakery

Harry Styles is the inspiration

Harry Styles eh

You like em?

One direction?


Hell yeah I love them

Who's your favorite

Niall...he's my dad's favorite too

He says and I quote 'Blondies are to fall in love with'

That's a weird thing to say

When he says that he only refers to Taylor Swift and Niall.

I like your dad

He's married.

You know what I mean

Also has a daughter who doesn't want her parents to get divorced.


I didn't mean it that way

I know, I'm joking.

Well, I'm offended

What are you, a kid?

No I'm a man.

That's what a kid would say.

How old are you, 12?

No, I'm 20.


You're 20 and you already have a job?


I'm a professional dancer

What kind of dancer works on Sundays.

My student wanted some guidance.

Wow, it's weird...You like your job?

Yeah I love it but its exhausting sometimes. 

Why don't you just say no to things you don't wanna do. It would be way better.........I think

They don't ask us. They tell us.

I have no idea who 'they' and 'us' are but just deny things. Not being given a choice can be frustrating, I know, I've been there and saying no isn't being impolite.

I don't know how they might take it tho.

My dad said and I quote 'Deny before they think they own you' 

Your dad is cool

I know Mr. Manchild

Hey when i said I was offended, I didn't really mean it

I don't care. I'm still calling you Mr. Manchild

You are the one being a child now

What are you, 2?

No I am just stating truths and I'm 20.

Alright Miss. Womanchild

Seriously, I'd do better than that.

You are a disgrace to your friend Louis.

He came up with probably the best dare ever and you come up with what?


I won't tolerate you treating me like this

Truth really is bitter, love

You English?


Why did you say 'love' then? Its entitled to the English

I don't wanna deal with you being a manchild again

Ugh and I don't wanna deal with you

Well then, go back to being bored

Yeah thanks for reminding me but Louis is here so I won't need you anymore

I wasn't interested to either

but say hi to Louis for me

I did and now he's asking your number

Give him my number

I won't

I'm pretty sure he's gonna get it anyway


Hi Louis 

Just a sec I'm gonna forward your number


He called you Womanchild

Yeah, i know he's bad

He is 

But your dad's cool

I know

I'll text you from my phone 


I'm back

Bye Harry.


You know, something you say when you're leaving




Come back

I don't like being bored


Unknown....? || Texting Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now