"Who is this girl?" Cecilia mutters, "I'll be back." Her voice hardens more and she stalks away towards a guy in the corner of the room. His eyes sweep the crowd of vampires and his gaze lands on the girl stalking towards him.

I look away bored and see a few curious stares. Ok so what, I may be sitting on the ground and made a powerful girl sweat profusely but geez people I'm not a doll. I don't like being stared at.

I turn and look into the vampires eye one by one and each look away unable to hold my gaze for longer then a few seconds. The girl, Cecilia, returns with the guy I saw her stalk over too. As they walk past the groups of Vampires they fall silent and watch as he walks by. He stops in front of me and crouches down.

"So you're the one causing the trouble... she doesn't look like much." He turns to Cecilia who shrugs uncomfortably.

"What do you want?" I look the guy up and down before deciding he's an ass.

He looks offended by my abruptness but just chuckles pretending he doesn't care. "Let's get this over with." The guy sighs already thinking he's won.

"Name?" I glare at the guy crouched in front of me.

"Why should I tell you Princess?" His voice is hard and he's trying to be seductive. However, I ignore it and scowl instead.

"Whatever." I growl back standing up and wiping my hands on my pants.

"The names Lucas." He winks at me making me roll my eyes.

"How... boring." I mutter, I mean for him to hear me and he does. His eyes flash with anger.

"Look me in the eye, first to look away is weaker. Go." He growls.

By now the whole group of Vampires are crowded around us, some whispering and some watching intently. The King stands to the side watching the battle of power take place.

We both stand their staring into each other's eyes, neither of us backing down. Sweat trickles down his brow and drips onto the floor, I can feel my face begin to sweat too. Beads of sweat roll down my forehead and drip onto the floor creating a pool of our sweat. I feel a pressure at the base of my skull and notice the same pain reflected in his eyes. My vision starts to go black around the edges and both me and Lucas collapse to the floor, neither of us more powerful. Before I hit the ground I feel a pair of arms catch me and notice someone catch Lucas too.


Ria POV:

I hug Lark and walk away towards the gathering area for the werewolves. Zim follows close behind and Titan is walking directly beside me. Many of the werewolves bare their neck to me as I pass showing I am stronger.

I sit down at the back of the crowd and stretch slowly, my bones crack and pop as I stretch them. I look up and see Mr Tallansburg walking over from where he was talking to King Alexander.

"Ok." He claps his hands gaining all our attention. "How this works is the Alpha or Luna of each pack; weakest to strongest, will release their aura. If you aren't affected by their aura you will not shift, however if you are affected you will be forced to shift into your wolf form. Once you are added to a pack you will move out the way so the others can be accepted. There is a rune currently which stops you from shifting without being forced by one of the Alphas or Lunas. Please start."

Overall there are about 20 werewolves needing packs so it shouldn't take too long. One of the Alphas, he looks to be a few years above me, releases his aura, or I suppose he does. I can't feel anything but a few of the wolves are forced to shift. The ones that shift move to the side, he holds his aura out for a few minutes before pulling it in and walking away to stand near his wolves. This keeps going, Alphas or Lunas release their aura and wolves are forced to shift. There are a total of about 8 Alpha's and Luna's. So far none have even slightly affected me, Zim seems to be doing fine too and stands beside me waiting. Elle on the other hand, Julie's Isalor, is beginning to sweat. The fifth Alpha walks up the front and releases his aura, Elle shifts at the start of his release and a few other do too. There are only about 5 people left, 3 girls, 2 guys.

I stand there bored, although the shifts are interesting to watch I've been standing not speaking or moving for half an hour already. We have to have breaks every now and then but the people who haven't shifted have to stay still, it's mainly for the wolves to stretch.

There are three more pack leaders left, and 5 students. Me and Zim are both standing together, neither of us sweating. The other female however and one of the males are beginning to sweat. The third last Alpha walks up and the other female and one male are forced to shift.

I gaze over the last two alphas, one of them is completely ignoring everyone while the other watches in interest. I'm convinced the one ignoring us is the most powerful. The second strongest Alpha stands up and releases his aura, the guy in front of me stands there, he begins sweating profusely and is forced to shift. I look at Zim and notice a fine sheen across her forehead but she hasn't shifted. I can feel the weak pull of his aura but it doesn't affect me in any way, it's like a soft tinkle of a river far away just out of view. The Alpha reins his aura in and looks at both Zim and I pityingly. I scowl at the guy causing him to look away, walking over to the spare spot on the benches.

Finally the last Alpha looks up, his eyes dart along the line and he realises it's his turn. He stands up and stretches, I recognise him as the boy I sat next to at the tournament feast and he ignored me.

I growl when his gaze lands on me, and shifts to Zim. He growls right back but I refuse to stand down. Both of us release our auras and Zim immediately shifts. I can tell from the cracking of bones and the loud pops. Her mottled black and brown pelt leans against my legs and Titan stands on my other side.

"Move, sit over to the side." I command both Titan and Zim, they whimper but oblige. I don't tear my gaze from the guy opposite me for a second. We both refuse to give in. All the other wolves in the area including the other Alphas and Lunas have shifted and so has our teacher. I growl at the guy standing opposite me and he growls back, we continue our fight for dominance neither of us succeeding. Sweat starts to drip down both our foreheads and pools on the floor. The guy's eyes get darker the seafoam green eyes turn to a fascinating ocean turquoise. I feel my eyes change from their usual maroon to their wolfy silver. His eyes widen in surprise and I smirk in response.

We stand in silence for minutes, the seconds tick by and both of us are struggling to keep from shifting. My vision goes in and out of focus and my knees shake, the guy I'm facing off with starts trembling too. A dull ache starts at my temple and I nearly black out, both me and this dude refuse to give up. Before either of us shift we both collapse to the ground unconscious, neither being more powerful than the next.


Who's more powerful? Lucas or Lark? Mystery guy or Ria?
Comment your guess below and why.
- Brax Xx

The Sun, The Moon, The Dragons.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें