⋆─── ⋆✩⋆04: And There is You, And There is Me

Start from the beginning

Your Twin Brother

P.S I ate your chocolate cookies hehe 

The brunette finished reading the letter and giggles with a cute smile.
"Idiot, always eating my snacks."
She looks in the letter and the words 'Just Once' were confusing to her while she furrowed her eyebrows.
"What does Eugene mean with that?"
Mumbling to herself and putting the letter in the hidden pocket of her Uniform jacket.
Patting the last time Peanut and letting him fly away - she turned back towards the crowd in front of the building waiting for the Sun Summoner to come with the Carriage. 

Amber eyes saw Alina and Kirigan enter the Grand Palace as she follows them inside with a smile on her face. Her natural expression was always smiling and she was good in it - whatever she felt no one could break the surface. She was the entire time quiet as she saw that the Shadow Summoner slowed his steps until ira was walking next to him with Alina on his other side. Listening to their conversation without care to speak today - she was used to be very quiet around others because her desire not to talk was sometimes stronger then making sassy remarks.  

Alina told him as she looks forward where the King and Queen sat even their Son, the Prince.
"You're asking me to do something I didn't even know I could do three days ago."

General Kirigan looks shortly at Ira and raised a eyebrow at her that she didn't join their conversation like always but turned his gaze back to Alina.                  "Do you believe I brought you here to make a fool of you? To make a fool of both of us? Just keep your focus on me, and you'll be fine. Once he sees what you can do and we have his blessing, you will remain here to train."

"His blessing? I thought you ruled the Grisha."

"I may lead the Second Army, but the King is still the King." 

The young girl watched the whole scene before her how the Queen was discriminating Alina thinking she doesn't speak their language because she was half Shuu, aswell the whole light show that only could be because Kirigan was touching her wrist and made the whole room dark.
What a man.
She wasn't impressed at all since she could to a better light show but she was today not in a good mood.
It was boring as hell for the twenty-two year old woman who yawns and covers it with her hand while she crosses her arms in front of the chest.
Of course she paid attention to the whole thing but it wasn't her priority moreover the priest who stood next to the whole Royal family.
Was he a friend of them?
Looks like that. 

After thirty-five minutes? a hour?
She couldn't tell but it was finally over as she turned to walk out the Grand Palace and took a deep breath while her brown wavy bob haircut was swinging through the wind gently.

"You seemed quieter today.
Haven't you rest well?"
A deep male voice could be heard behind her as he was now standing next to her while amber eyes watched the birds fly around. She stayed quiet and hadn't the energy to talk to him but decide to say something.

"You don’t need to act nice and fake friendly towards me,I haven't ask for it but shouldn't you go with your Sun Summoner, Mister Shadow Summoner?"
She raised a eyebrow and turns her face to him with a bored expression while she yawned again.
Her hand automatically covered the mouth as she heard a chuckle next to her. Ira looked at him confused and raised a eyebrow at him who had a small smile on his face.
"I apologise for last night and I truly mean it." 

"Tell that your naive lovers, I wanna a proof that you are truly sorry."
She taps his chest with her index finger and had a smirk on her face while she watches his reaction.
Aleksander watched her too and grabbed gently her hand;
"And what proof shall it be?"
His voice was filled with charm and tease as he watches her with amused smile. Ira lets her hand in his and pinched with the other hand his cheek while she quickly pulled her hands away;
"Bake me a cake with your own two hands."
Her giggle could be heard as Aleksander looked confused and shocked that someone would want something ridiculous like a cake.
"You are joking." 

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