Rebellion meet Venom

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*lothal(a couple of years ago*

(No one pov)
A little boy around 5 yrs old was running down a alley way as four storm troopers chase after him he ran down the alley away as fast as his little legs can run he took a left turn down another alley way "stop kid! A storm trooper said as he snd his men continue after him but the little boy look back as he trip over a pot hole which he twist his foot but it made him fell down the little boy got up but he limp away to the wall there was no way out he look back to see the storm troopers standing there "there you are you little thief the captain said as he walk up to the boy and grab him the little boy move around as the captain try to put the cuff on his hands "hold still you street rat the captain saif as he throw the kid down the street before he kick him in the stomach hard the little boy held his stomach as the trooper kick him over and over but a large black goop crawl out of a tiny crack near a building and it crawl to the little boy leg it climb into the little boy leg and disappear into his skin "get the cuff we take this rat to jail the Captain said but as soon he look back a large black slime shot out of the boy back slamming the captain into the wall then the little boy began to stand up as his entire body was cover by a black goop the little boy was now standing taller then the storm trooper before he growl and began to attack them. The little boy open his eyes he look around to see he was back at his old room he look at his foot to see it was fixs "what happen? He ask himself then the black goop appear from his back "don't be scared little one the goop person said "who are you? Little boy ask "i am your friend that save you goop person said "Really? Why? The boy ask "because you were in trouble and now you own me goop person said "what do I do? The boy ask "simple you allow me to stay with you I will protect you as so long you listen to me the goop person said as he growl softly the boy look away before he look at the goop person and nod his head.

*years later(Yavin 4)*

(No one pov)
Ezra Bridger was in his room he was mediating forcing on the mission they be going on soon when he heard a voice in his head "hungry a voice said Ezra open his eyes as he felt his stomach rumble so he got up and exit his room heading to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Hera Kanan Zeb and Sabine were with Mon Mothma going over the mission "this is mission isn't going to be simple your mission, your objective is to head to a jungle planet where we believe a imperial refueling factory is at so your mission get inside the factory and destroy it stopping any Ships from refueling there for good Mon Mothma said "sound simple enough Hera said "we have a few Y-wings ready when you give the signal they do their run Mon Mothma said "I help with the demo I got a few charges I want to try out Sabine said "good we take this out we can stop incoming any reformation in the otter rim Mon Mothma said "don't worry we get it done Hera said Mon Mothma nod her head then they end the meeting. Ezra was in the kitchen he had some fruit in a small bowl he was eating well he read the last mission report then the kitchen door open and Hera walk in "Hey Ezra figure you be here Hera said "yeah just getting something to eat Ezra said "well hope it a small snack we have to make our ration on the ghost last Hera said "don't worry I stick to my fruit diet Ezra said as he ate another "well we got a mission so eat your fruit and meet us in the cockpit okay honey Hera said as she lean down and kiss Ezra on his forehead before she left the kitchen.

The Ghost travel through Hyperspace on their way to the planet. Hera was in the cockpit with the other Ezra walk in with his blaster and his lightsaber on his belt "glad you miss the meeting you ready?Zeb ask "sure I read the report now let this done Ezra said as he lean against the wall. The ghost exit out of Hyperspace and flew down the planet Hera land the Ghost in the trees then lower the ramp "okay we got a hour until the bombers show up Hera said as they head to the factory Ezra look around as he felt something near "danger near by a voice said Ezra stop looking and ran to catch up. The rebels were at a small cliff they saw the refueling factory with more then 5 star destroyers park "so what the plan Zeb ask Sabine stood up and use her helmet scope to scan the area "well it look like those red pipe are connected fueling pumps that are drilling into the ground so if we place charges on those pipes and place the final three on top of the building the explosives will blow this factory sky high Sabine said as she lift her scope up "so what kind of explosive do the great Sabine Wren pack Ezra ask Sabine open her satchel and show them her new explosives she work on for abit

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