Sabine Ex

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(Ezra pov)
I was hanging out with Sabine after our last mission we decide to hang out in the trees she was sitting down on the floor well I was laying on top of the branch above her "hey Sabine what is your plan when we win the war? I ask "well i would have to return to my clan and help them free Mandalore then I don't know settle down Sabine said I sit up and lean backwards until our face were close "settle down alone or with someone I ask "well with someone I guest if I find the right person Sabine said I look away before I turn to her "well if I would settle down I would treat my girl with all the love I have, I would be by her side when she need because I would trade everything I have just to be with her I said Sabine smile "who knows Ezra you just may meet that dream girl Sabine said "maybe the girl I'm looking for is in front of me right now I said but before I can make my move someone spoke "Hey Sabine we look to see Sabine mother Ursa "mother Sabine said as she stood up then I heard a crack i look up just in time to see the branch snap I fell on my back and hit the ground "I'm Okay I said from the ground. I got up off the ground and walk to Sabine  "Mother what are you doing here? Sabine ask "well Sabine it been while now that Clan join your friends so I'm here to let you know that Clan elder as ask for your hand Ursa said Sabine look at me before she look back her "mother didn't I tell you about Clan Elder?Sabine ask "no you didn't Ursa said "Clan elder son was my Ex when I was in the imperial Academy he cheated on me with another Cadet since then I refuse to date Sabine said "then what are those feelings for young Bridger Ursa ask making me and Sabine look at each other before we look away and blushes "me and Ezra are just friends Sabine said which broke my heart hearing her say that "well then you must come with me to Krownest to explain this to Clan elder leader Ursa said "of course mother Sabine said Ursa walk to command center to tell Hera i look at Sabine "Sabine you can be serious what if she make you stat for good I said "Ezra my mother would never make me stay if I didn't want to beside I need to explain this so I be free to choose who I want to spend my life with Sabine said I look down at the floor with a sad face "so this mean goodbye I ask but Sabine took a few steps forward before she hug me "it not a goodbye it a promise I will return beside someone need to keep you out of trouble sabine said making us both laugh. I was at the ramp of Ursa Ship I watch as Sabine and her mother walk up the ramp but Sabine look at me she smile at me before the ramp raise up then the ship took off from base I sigh and walk to the Ghost I walk pass her room "it won't be the same without her I said as I enter me and She room.

*3 hours later*

(No one pov)
Hera Kanan Zeb were woken up by Rex "what wrong senator Hera ask "we got trouble a hour ago we got a incoming transmission from Knownest which explain about miss Wren Mon Mothma said as she plays the transmission ("Come in Rebellion this is Tristan Wren Sabine as been Capture by Clan Elder son he killed his father and half of their clan executed their men We news tour help to find my sister) the Transmission stop playing "Sabine been taken!Kanan said "yes which is why I won't you team to help find her Mon Mothma said "we will Zeb go wake Ezra up we need to here about this Hera said "I'm afraid Bridger will have to remain here Mon Mothma said "What!?But Ezra cares about her he know to help as well Hera said "which is why Ezra emotion will take over we all know Ezra true feelings for Sabine he will not get himself hurt but everyone else as well Kanan said but what they didn't know Ezra was hiding behind the wall listening he know he should listen to Kanan but Ezra love Sabine more then a sister he love her because he cares about her so much if Sabine going to be save it up to Ezra even if he has to go behind his family backs so he ran to his ship he kept after Maul was killed. Hera Kanan Zeb and Mon Mothma heard a ship lifting off "what is that? Hera ask as they ran outside to see Ezra ship lifting off "EZRA!Hera said as Ezra ship took off from base it flew into Orbit before jumping into Hyperspace.

*on Krownest*

Sabine was cuff to the ceiling her weapons and helmet have been remove the son enter the cell "don't be scared my love once you change your mind we be finally be together the son said. Ezra ship exit Hyperspace and flew down to Sabine house he land his ship he walk down the ramp to see a few Clan Wren warriors on the ground holding their arms or were being look at by medical droids Ezra see Ursa Alrich and Tristan at the stars they look to see him "Bridger where your friends?Ursa ask "they be here soon what happen?Ezra ask "Clan Elder son David he didn't take Sabine rejection very well after Sabine told what happen his father agree with her him and half of his clan shot him and open fire on us he took Sabine and head to their camp Ursa said "where their camp Ezra ask "about 45 miles northwest up that mountain Tristan said Ezra look at the mountain "I'm going to go get her Ezra said "Bridger no! They shot down any ship that get near their camp Tristan said "who said in flying I get can there Countess get what warriors who still have strength to be ready once I get Sabine you and warriors will hit the top of the mountain Ezra said "letting the snow and rocks take our their camp nice Alrich said "Bridger I think you should wait until your friends arrived Ursa said "Countless even if they get here your daughter is in danger I won't allow anyone to hurt her Ezra said "because you care about her Ursa said "no it because I love your daughter she the only one I want to spend my life with and I do anything to keep her safe even it mean to give my life up I would Ezra said as he start walking leaving ursa Alrich and Tristan shock at what he said about Sabine.

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