Exam bet

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" okay guys today marks the day where we will have exams tomorrow is the day and I want all of you to do well"

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" okay guys today marks the day where we will have exams tomorrow is the day and I want all of you to do well"

I was in the middle of my student council and studying the same time.

" hey Lia want to do a study plan together" she nodded and agreed to the plan and we planned to meet at the library before it got dark outside.

My body was more tired then usual since this week was way harder this time PLUS AN ANNOYING BRAT.

"Hey y/n you look stress today want some water"

"Oh Lia what would I do with our you" she smiled and wrapped her hands around me

We made it to the far back of the library and worked on math first. Lia sucked at math so I would help her from time to time, well everything was great till.

"Hey y/n" my eyes rolled till I put my head on the table trying to see if that will make them disappear

" what's wrong with chibi chan" I lifted my head and I saw suna of course his here, he smiled and waved and sat down next to me

" what do you want suna" he took my book and read through the answers
"Yk I'm pretty smart I could help you " I bet this is just one of his tricks to annoy me or just flirt what an ass

" well I wait to make a deal with you" he shakes me till I lifted my head to meet his eyes, I look to my left to see osamu and Lia watching us like we are some kdrama

" well yk how we have exams I want to compete to get the highest score" he smiled like he had already planned this since day 1

" also the winner gets to do whatever they want which for me is a date .."

The word date shot me up I looked at him like a crazy person and he gave me one of those stupid smiles stupid stupid

" well do we have a deal" I was thinking about it and it would be a good challenge, I nodded and we shock hands

" well on my head if I win you have to wear my maid dress on our date and leave me alone forever" his eyes grew and a pink blush on his nose and cheeks looking aside for a second

" WAIT YOU HAVE A MAID DRE-"I shut his mouth with my hands as I winked to him, I pulled down his tie to my mouth

" well well little suna baby is nervous let see now" he pushed me off and I smiled to his surprise he felt his face red and hot.

" well even if you win we still get go on that date"

" yeah but after if I win you get to leave me alone" He pouted as he gave me a Hug

" that means I will need to spend more time with you"

" aww so your confident I will win" he lifted up my chin and looked at me

" never chibi chan" he rested his chin on my shoulders and left a good bye kiss on my cheek

" y/n are you okay ur bright red" I felt my face hot and red to that kiss, even tho it was on the cheek why did it make me so hot

Suna POV

I walked out and slammed my head on the wall of the library, why did I kiss her

" suna you good bro" osamu patted my back and looked at me with curious face

" I'm good but why did I have to kiss her"

" don't tell me your catching feelings" osamu smiled and I didn't respond was I it was just me flirting how would you get feelings like that

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