Sword of thunder

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As those words left Mikes's mouth, Max and Eleven immediately got on the next bus to Mike's house. When they arrive, they see that the rest of the Party is already there.

They go into the basement with the Party and some of their allies.  As the two girls sit down, Nancy is the first to speak up, asking El, "So, you spied on the kid before?"

Eleven nodded and then told them everything.  Afterward, worried looks fell upon the faces of everyone in the room. They knew that if the unknown boy knew about the cabin, what would stop him from learning about everything else.  Steve then responds with, "We try and look for him, right."

Will immediately starts to panic, saying, " What if he tells the Lab about El and me?" Dustin tries to calm him down, responding with, "Calm down, will he probably won't." Mike is the first to speak up, telling the rest of them, "Look, we need to find him and have him tell us what he knows. Then get him not to tell anyone."

Unbeknownst to them, that very person they talked about was having Wyatt watch them via the duat. Adrian then asks him what happened to which the Eygptian Magician responded, "They are talking about looking for you." Adrian laughs, stating, "Let them come. I will be waiting."

While he says this, the group works back to the boat to sleep and plan for tomorrow. However, when Wyatt was not using the duat, The Party had eleven Spy on them from the void. Eleven then saw what looked like an old Viking longship with a wolf figurehead up front and strange letters on the boat's sides.

When they saw this, they also noticed that the boat was in the settler's quarry. The group decided to head there and bring him back to the house. However, Wyatt was looking at them from the duat and ran back in a panic.  He practically crashed into Adrian, who, in his confusion, asked, "Woah dude, what's wrong?"

In a panicked state, Wyatt told him, "They are heading for the ship right now." The group then turns around to hear this, and Adrian says, "Well, they asked for it. I say we give it to them."

The group of demigods and one magician then get into position, hiding in various areas around the boat, with Adrian simply sitting on a log net to a fire pit, and with the flick of his wrist, causing a fire to spark to life. He then merely sat there in his wolf king attire, sword laying next to him, and waited.

When the Party arrived and saw him there, Adrian sitting by himself lured them into a false sense of security.

Unaware of the war that was about to begin.

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