Chapter 4🥀

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I do not own these characters. Only the plot of this story >w<


The juniors froze.

Wei WuXian narrowed his eyes, scanning the area. "There is something there. A person maybe...." He trailed off before turning to the juniors with a serious expression." Jin Ling, Sizhui and Jingyi, to be honest, you are more experienced. Protect the others, ok?"

"yes, Senior Wei." 


Unsheathing Subian, Wei WuXian stalked forward. The dangerous feeling got stronger as he approached a nearby stream. He hoped that the juniors were alright. Even if he was not that far away. He had swore to himself that he wouldn't let anything touch them. And he was determined to keep that promise.   

The demonic cultivator tensed. Staring across the stream hidden by darkness, he saw a lone figure. 

The moonlight shone on the man's silvery white hair. His pale white skin was smooth, dusted with a few dark speckles across his face. The man's eyes were closed. His long eyelashes draped over his eyelids. His navy blue robes were spread around him like flower petals 

Wei WuXian started to back up, but the man's eyes slowly opened. Teal met grey. The two stared at each other.

 The two stared at each other

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What the person looks like. (my drawing and yes, there are random blank spots) tbh I draw this at like 1 am lol my thoughts while making this were: 'make him have long hair, pretty eyes and just beautiful. Please hands, don't fail me' XD


'Found you.' The man mouthed, a smile creeping on his face. 


Wei WuXian's eyes widened. He turned, scanning wildly for the children. "Ch-" He was cut off as a sword was pressed under his chin. 

"Calling for someone?" The same man was behind the demonic cultivator, his sword hilt in hand. His voice was smooth and quiet. "I don't think that's a good idea, Grandmaster." The man's teal eyes glowed eerily in the night. The navy blue robes fluttered in the small breeze. "If you are wonder about those... children, don't worry, they're just unconscious."

Wei WuXian narrowed his eyes. "Is that so...?" With Subian still unsheathed, he spun out of the other's reach. Pointing his sword at the man, Wei WuXian clenched his jaw. "What do you even want?" 

The man chuckled, the sound echoed in the silent forest. "You are as skilled as they say, Yilling Patriarch. Very much so." 

Backing up, the Yilling Patriarch wanted to check up on the juniors. "Let me see them." He growled.

"Very well." With snap of the man's fingers, the juniors were there. their eyes were closed and they chests fell evenly with every breath. But, there was something there. A large beast.  It's tails curled around the around the unconscious figures. It growled, violet eyes pierced the wide silver ones.  Each tail was pitch black with a gradient of red at the tips. The fur was sleek and shinny. 

"Calm down, Huizhong." The man stroked the beast lovingly. (New mini fanfic?) He paused before nodding. "Mn." 

Wei WuXian stared at the beast, fear gripped his heart. 'Dog...' it looked so much like a dog, even if it was a just a nine-tailed fox. 

The juniors. That snapped him out of his terror. "Give me back the juniors." Subian was still  aimed at the person in front of him. "Give. Them. Back." 

"Ah, Ah. That's not how you ask, Patriarch. You have to be polite." The man smiled, his sword at his side. "Put you sword down. I just want to have a civil conversation. We don't want to have just heads to talk to do we?" He chuckled. "Huizhong.. Come." 

The fox paced forward, eyeing Wei WuXian. It's tails lashed. 

"Now, let's talk." 


Hello. Nice to see you again. How are you? I hope you are enjoying this story.

Have any name ideas for the man? If you do please comment them 😃

Love you guys♥️ 


I'm sorry...  {WILL UNDERGO SERIOUS EDITING}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora