Chapter 6

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I overheard Todoroki talking to Izuku. Todoroki looks a bit disturbed. I'm worried about him.

The amount of people who came to talk to me was amazing, I even used a portal to take me to Izuku, because my God is too many people.

And there I am in the stands with my class. Seeing my brother's fight with a boy called Shinso.

He has a good quirk and Izuku unfortunately fell for him. I thought the fight was over, but for some reason he broke his opponent's mind control and won the fight.

Me: Go Izu!!!

Uraraka and Bakugo's turn. The two go down to the arena. Bakugo won. He went really hard on Uraraka. She was very hurt.

I went down and healed her a little to ease her pain. Now it's my turn. I will fight Tokoyame.

It was pretty easy I just directed light to him which slowed down the DarkShadow. Then I kicked and punched him until he left the arena.

Lida and a girl from the support course fought and it was a draw. Now is the second phase. Izuku vs Todoroki.

My heart is tight. I'm worried about this fight. The two can be hurt a lot. They started to fight.

Izu has already broken all the fingers on one hand and is using the same fingers again. He's going to get hurt a lot. I think I'm very tense and shaking a little. I think people around me noticed.

Izu started talking to Todoroki in a sense I understood. He wants to help him get loose. Using your flames. He doesn't want to use them because he thinks they belong to his father. He was almost there, just needed a little push.

Me: Todoroki-kun!! Those are your flames!! They are not from Endevor! You control them! They are yours!!!

Flames appear throughout his body. I give a small smile. I sit down. The objective of this fight has already been reached. I'm more relieved.

They start fighting again. It's all more intense. They go on an all-out attack.

Me: Don't do this!!

Too late. A dust appears and I can't see anything. When she lowers my heart almost stops. I jump from the stands to the arena and start running towards Izuku. Todoroki walks in front of me.

I jump and spin in the air above him. I touch his back healing most of your wounds. I go to Izuku, he is practically inside a block of ice.

I punch the ice breaking it and knocking him to the ground. I put my hands on his face.

Me: Nissan, Nissan please wake up.

He blinks a little. Thankfully, I use a portal and take us to the waiting room. I put him on a stretcher there has there.

I put my hands on his chest. I released some energy seals and started healing him. It was so much energy that my hair started to float.

There's a green light coming out of my hands, the same color as the barriers. Someone enters the room.

Todoroki: Are you okay with...?

He stopped when he saw me.

Me: Aaahhhhh!!!!!

The light increases for a while and then goes out. I kneel on the floor. He comes to me.

Todoroki: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah... just tired.

Izuku: Kei...?

I get up

Me: Izu?! Don't scare me like that anymore!

I say slapping his arm. My handprint remained.

Me: How are your fingers?

He raises his hand.

Izuku: Great.

Todoroki looks petrified to see he's healed.

Todoroki: Your turn to fight.

Me: me? Against Bakugo?

Todoroki: Yes

Me: Yes! Finally!

I say jumping out of the room.

Izuku: The Bakugo will die.

Todoroki: Is she so happy that she's going to fight him?

Izuku: Yeah

I arrived at the arena and Bakugo started screaming.

Bakugo: Where were you?!

Me: I was healing my brother baka!

Midnight: This is going to be interesting... get started!

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