"The Lesser You eat, The Weaker You get" (Sabrina & Diego)

Start from the beginning

He let Me go but I hit My head hard on The ground and I cried silently in pain.

I slowly got back on My feet and I ran straight into The Bathroom, I locked Myself inside and I looked in The mirror.


I growled and I turn around and I punched a wall and It made a hole, I let tears coming down My cheeks and I fell on My knees and I cried.

(Skip Time)

After about 5 minutes of crying, I got Up on My feet and I put bandages on My injures and I try My vest into a sweater because I don't want anyone to see, Especially My Mami because She will flip The heck out.

Anyways, Both Me and Mami was in the recuse car and On Our way Home, I realized that Mami was constantly looking at Me with worried looks on Her face.

I wonder what's that all about?


Sabrina's POV:

Something in My gut that My Son wasn't being Himself Today, Did Something happen? I know I would literally kill someone who dared to hurt My Son but I wanna know what's going on with My Son because I can feel that something wasn't right here.

"Hijo, Are You alright?" I Asked

Diego looked at Me and He smiled.

"Yes Mami, I'm fine" Said Diego

"Are You sure?" I Asked

"Yes" Said Diego

"Are You lying?" I Asked

"No" Said Diego

"So, You are 100% Okay?" I Asked

"Yes" Said Diego

"Okay, If You say so" I Said

Okay Something is Up, because I know My Son is hiding something from Me and I am gonna find out what is really going on.


(Skip Time)

Diego's POV:

We arrived at Home and Both Me and Mami walked inside and There was dinner on The table.

"Yayy! Mommy and Diego are Home!" Said Papi

Papi had Luca in His arms and Him and Alicia came over and They hugged Both Me and Mami and I smiled.

"Just in Time, What a coincidence, Dinner is ready" Said Papi

Papi put Luca in Alicia's arms and Me and Alicia walked over to The dinner table and-

"Can We talk for a moment?" Asked Mami

"Sure" Said Papi

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