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Paris POV

When me and mom was walking into the studios we see Jill talking to kendall in front of the building, we just walked in saying good morning to ms.Abby, Gia and the girls. I went and changed into some dance clothes " Come on girl hurry up" ms. Abby said, we quickly went into the room and started rehearsing

With the moms

Isabella POV

I went and sat down with the moms talking to holly for a bit, then Jill came in and Kendall went and changed then went into rehearsals, " I'm happy you and kendall are back now" holly said smiling as Jill sat down " yesterday was a long day and the first day back, y'all just needed a break" holly said softly.

We see abby talking to kendall and Jill got annoyed " I'm anger and mad she brought that up and made it seem like it was my fault, there was so many things this summer we could have done but I didn't accept them because of our loyalty" Jill said " So now when an opportunity comes up for kendall your going to take up"? Holly asked Jill nodded

" That's good, if I had never let Paris do acting she wouldn't be where she is today, she wouldn't have stared in hundreds of movies or been in hundred of magazines, doing opportunitys will get your child ahead in life" I said looking at Jill

Paris POV

" Okay girls go into the other room while I work on brynns solo" We all left and went into a different room. " How have Ben been"? Nia said smiling " Hard headed, but he's doing good, oh dads coming come home soon, I can't wait to see him, I miss him so much"! I said smiling " Ooooo I'm going to ask mom can I come over for dinner, I missed mr.Anderson" she said

I laughed " just call him by his name, he hates it when you call him mr. It makes him feel old" me and Nia laugh at that, jojo comes up to use " Hi Paris, Iv seen some of your movies, my favorite has to be Annabelle, you were amazing in that movie"! She said bouncing up and down

I laugh " thank you jojo" we 3 talked for a while until brynn came in and said it was time to practice the dance again. We went in and started practicing again, jojo got stuck in it again but just for a few seconds.

I'm kinda scared tomorrow is competition, what if we mess up trying to get jojo out the bubble? And what if I lose? Ms.Abby will kill me and my mom will be mad, I need to practice it as much as I can when I get home tonight and hopefully she run it with me before we leave tomorrow.

Next day few hours before they bored the bus

Paris POV

We was practicing the group dance again " Okay girl y'all better win after coming off a lose at nationals" Ms.Abby said, I raised my hand, she looked at me." Can we run over my dance again, if we have enough time"?

" Yeah we can run over the solos, then go get ready to leave" I nod and smiled, every one left except for me and brynn. She did her solo first and it was amazing.

It was then my turn, I got up and ran through it with ms.Abby, after I was done ms.Abby was silent for a few seconds.

I nervously looked at Ms.Abby" Brynn, you better be ready for this competition, you need to watch out for Paris, she is an amazing dancer, maybe even better then maddie" Abby said as her and gia laughed, I looked at the moms, Melissa and Jill looked pissed and my mom had an smile on her face as she drank her coffee.

"I don't know why you needed me to go through your solo, sweetie, you did that flawlessly, now you go and get ready it's almost time to go," Ms.Abby said, I nodded and I and Brynn left to get ready. Brynn looked mad but I didn't say anything. After everyone was done getting ready we all got on the bus and drove to the competition.

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