CH 11: "Belphie"?

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Sitting at one of the back lunch tables, you were eating your lunch quietly with Beelzebub and Belphegor. Today was thankfully the last day of exams.

The last three days had been packed with testing. There wasn't a single normal class, in fact. Its not like you hadn't had exams before, but you didn't think Devildom exams would be quite so long.

"Hey—" Belphegor gently elbowed you to get your attention, "—you okay?"

"Yeah! Yeah, sorry. Just thinking about exams and everything," you explained as you took another bite of food.

"I'm ready for this to be over. The only exams I have to finish are Devildom law and potions," Belphegor replied. He pushed his tray back a little and rested his head on the table. "I just wanna go home and sleep."

"Do you guys think we'll all get high enough scores to go to that music festival?" Beelzebub asked worriedly. "I'm sure everything will work out Beel," you assured him.

"Why do you wanna go to that thing so bad anyways?" Belphegor asked curiously, and Beelzebub grinned. "Because I know there are going to be a lot of good food trucks there."

"I think it would be really fun to go. If we do get to, we're all going together, right?" You asked, and Beel nodded happily.

"Talking about the food trucks made me hungry," Beelzebub grabbed his tray and stood up out of his seat. "I'm gonna go get more food. I'll be right back!"

Belphegor watched as Beelzebub hurried off, waiting until he was out of earshot before scooting his tray your way. All that was left on it was a caramel shadow tart.

"You can have it if you want. You usually get one, so I was kind of surprised when you chose something else. I'll even trade you for that bloody Mont Blanc," Belphegor pointed at your tray. Sitting there was a bloody Mont Blanc with a small section missing where you tried some.

"Are you sure? I already ate a little bit of it, I don't know if that bothers you or not," you replied. "Don't worry about it. You didn't care for it did you?" Belphegor pointed out, and scooted his tray a bit closer to you.

The two of you swapped desserts, and you took a bite of the tart. The bloody Mont Blanc wasnt bad, but you were thankful for the food trade to say the least

You looked over at Belphegor and narrowed your eyes a bit as you realized something. "You never get desserts at lunch," you stated thoughtfully.

"What about it?" Belphegor asked with a frown. You turned in your chair to face him completely. "Did you get the caramel shadow tart in case I didn't like the bloody Mont Blanc?"

Belphegor's eyes went wide as a blush spread across his cheeks. "I just wanted to do something different today, that's all," he shook his head, and turned back to his tray

It was a lie, of course. A very obvious one, but you didn't want to tease him about it or anything. For it being Belphegor, it was actually pretty sweet. "Accident or not, I appreciate it. Thanks Belphie."

"What?" Belphegor was looking at you again, this time looking shocked.

"What? Do I have tart on my face or something?" You joked. "No it's not that it's just... you've never called me that before," Belphegor replied quietly. Not only did he look surprised, but he looked happy.

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