CH 3: Talks

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"Asmo can you pass the salt please," you asked quickly, not wanting to interrupt the conversation happening at the breakfast table.

A few days had passed since you woke up after Belphegor's attack. You were sore, but able to move around a lot more than you were a couple days ago. You would be going back to RAD today, and you were thankful at the thought of getting back into your routine.

Things had been awkward, but they were getting better. Nobody felt like they had to tiptoe around you anymore. You were feeling better, and little by little, so was everyone else.

You shook some salt onto your food, and finished up part of your plate. Very suddenly, all conversation stopped and the whole table clammed up. You looked up, mouth full of food, and your heart dropped.

Belphegor walked in and sat down beside Beelzebub at the opposite end of the table. He grabbed a piece of toast and ate it quietly, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. He looked like a rabbit that had just wandered into a den of wolves. If not for the history you and he had, you would have felt bad for him.

You thought of the bruises around your neck that you desperately tried to cover this morning, and your stomach churned.

Nobody was doing a spectacular job at hiding the glances they shot your way when Belphegor walked into the room. The progress that had been made in the last few days seemed to vanish completely.

Appetite gone, you stood up and grabbed your bag. "Mammon, we're leaving. Come on," you mumbled, not bothering to give anyone a second look. Mammon stood up and hurried after you without question.

• • •

"Are ya okay?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm... I don't know. I just wasn't expecting to see him this morning I guess," you sighed, "and I know it's dumb cause he lives there but... I don't know. I don't want it to be like that forever but it's just kinda heavy, you know what I mean?"

Mammon nodded in response, following right beside you as you went into your first class. "I don't want to be friends with him or anything but I need to be able to exist in the same room as him at least. Even that feels like it's gonna be a challenge," you explained.

"Well, I know Belphie's my brother n all, but I feel like you've already handled things better than I would have if I were you," Mammon joked.

You shook your head and sat down in your seat, "The whole point of the exchange program is to improve the relationship between demons, angels, and humans, right? I feel like if I stop pushing forward now, all of the progress would be pointless. Belphegor initially wanted to ruin the exchange program, so maybe that's just the spite talking."

• • •

Today was rocky to say the least. Although you had seen him this morning, it didn't dawn on you that Belphegor was in a RAD uniform for a reason. He was in nearly every class you were in. Mammon was there too, so you felt a little more safe, but still uneasy.

You rolled over in bed, trying to fall asleep. It had been like this for at least the last hour. Roll over, stare at the wall for ten minutes. Roll over again, stare at the wall for another ten minutes. You let out a frustrated groan and decided to head over to the kitchen to get a glass of water. 

The wall in your room was shared with the kitchen, so the walk really wasn't any more than about twenty steps. Still, it felt nice to stretch your legs this late at night.

You grabbed your favorite cup from the shelf, and filled it with water from the refrigerator door. You pushed yourself up to sit on the countertop as you scrolled through your D.D.D.

Overcome (Belphegor x GN! Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ