"Then...allow me to give you a death worthy of one!" Muscular shouted as pure muscles sprouted from his kin and formed thick layers on his arms.
His quirk was strong and it had made him believe he was invincible, so much so that he didn't even worry about the consequences o killing all for one's son.

He had escaped consequences so long that he probably didn't think they concerned him anymore.

Pushing against the force of Izuku's quirk the pressure became too much and he found himself losing the grip on the villain, and then in the next second, he was in front of him.

It was as if everything was going in slow motion when the villain raised his arm to punch izuku, planning to crush his bones and then kill him, but izuku wouldn't let it end that way.

He couldn't stop the blow from coming but he could make it a little less fatal.
Next to him was a rock that he was able to quickly get in front of him, using telekinesis, and just as he had hoped would happen muscular's fist first connected with the rock, then broke through it and hit izuku.

It hurt a lot, and izuku felt like he was gonna throw up, but he was fine.
He could still move.
He could still fight.
He could still protect Kota.
But what izuku had forgotten in the few moments when adrenaline overwhelmed all other senses was that while he had been able to stop a maybe fatal attack, it didn't mean that Muscular had been stopped. No, he was still looming over him.

"Nice reflexes, but can you do it again!?" He raised his fist and this time his lunch connected with Izuku's side as he just barely managed to turn.
The force of the blow made izuku get a metallic taste in his mouth as he was also almost flying off the side of the cliff.

Now he was laying on the edge, unable to get up fast enough, but then he, along with Muscular was doused in cold water.

"What the-...water?"

"Stop it! No more! Just let him be!"

Izuku felt tears in his eyes when he realized who his savior was.
Kota, the boy that hated quirks and heroes had just used his quirk to save him, to try to stop Muscular from landing the final hit, but unfortunately it had made Muscular focus back on him.

"Don't worry kid, I haven't forgotten about you" the villain grinned. "You know what? You can't even move, so what could be better than forcing you to watch this kid dying, knowing you were so close"

"Don't...don't you dare hurt Kota!" Izuku shouted, his voice breaking as he watched the child's face morph into unspeakable terror, and with Muscular not heeding his words and instead of going towards the boy, one step after the other izuku truly thought that he had failed.

Kota was gonna die, because of him.


Izuku didn't know what happened at that moment, but he suddenly felt very cold, and then every tiny rock around him started to drift off of the ground.
Even Musclular stopped to look down the small pebbles.

"Is this your last attempt to stop me? To put a stone in my shoe?" The villain mocked, but then suddenly every last one of these rocks fell to the ground.

Izuku didn't understand what was happening, but then the villain almost stumbled.

"What the..."

Again and again.

Muscular didn't seem to keep his balance as if he was continuously being pushed.

And then chaos.

Izuku suddenly screamed in pain and as he did everything that could be lifted except for the two other people with him lifted off of the ground and began to fly around, circling Izuku.

It was like his body was tearing apart, and he was getting so tired.

"Kota! Run!" Izuku screamed.

He didn't know what was about to happen, but he had a bad feeling.

The boy didn't hesitate and began to run, but Muscular, however, was excited to see Izuku's true power, as if he'd been waiting for a worthy opponent, but when izuku saw Kota run he felt relieved, and without even knowing that he had restraint he let them go and every last stone and rubble was pushed out away from him in a giant explosion.

It tore and pierced through the villain that had no time to use his quirk in defense, and with the last scream izuku fell unconscious, not knowing if the villain was still able to kill him as he did, but no, Muscular was too injured, he was unconscious as well.


Ah yes, powers going out of control, one fo my favorite tropes.
Don't worry it will be explained in the future

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