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"You killed her!"
"You've damned us all!"
"I'm too young to die!"

The men went into a worried frenzy, shouted and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Some of them began to pray for forgiveness, falling to the deck and clasping their hands together. Others ran to the ledge, try to build up the courage to jump ship and end their lives before the devastating consequences came.

Reed 'Talon' Fairchild, the captain of the ship, felt himself begin to panic as well. The overwhelming noise and hysterical cries of his crew were beginning to break through his barrier of calmness that he tried to maintain.

He rushed towards the woman's body, dropping to his knees beside her. His hands hovered over her hesitantly. He didn't know how to handle this type of situation; he'd never been in anything remotely similar to this.

Taking in a sharp breath, he placed his large hands on Vidia's arm and shoulder. Her cold skin sent a shiver through his palm and down his spine.

Gently shaking her, he prayed that she would open her eyes again and stop the impending doom. She didn't and that had Talon running a hand through his hair in frustration.

He didn't mean to kill the siren. Everyone knew what would happen if you harmed a siren in any way. He would never purposely harm such a beautiful and powerful creature, yet here he was bringing doom and disaster to himself and his entire crew.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," Talon cursed. He held his head in his hands, at a lost of what to do. Before the captain could seriously break down and begin his own begging for mercy, one of his crew members stumbled over to his side.

Ora fell down beside him, her eyes frantically looking over the figure of the siren. The captain watched in silence as Ora cautiously lean over Vidia's body, placing her head on her chest and holding her breath.

She tuned out the hectic screams and the sound of the water splashing from the impact of bodies. The heavy, shuffling footfall dimmed and the only thing Ora focused on was hearing the sound of the Vidia's heart.

She made no movement for a long, excruciating time. The short beat of silence felt hours long but it was all worth it when she heard the beating of Vidia's heart. Slow and steady it pumped in her chest, signifying that she was still with them.

Letting out a deep, relieved breath Ora thanked whatever higher being there was. She took another listen to make sure it wasn't her imagination and she confirmed the true, she turned to give good news.

"She's alive," Ora promised with a nod. Captain Talon's relief took over his entire being. He was so grateful he nearly cried.

He whistled, yelling the good news to his crew. Their attention peaked at the shrill sound. All of their movements halted and the men who were preparing the throw themselves overboard, backed down onto the deck.

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