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Vidia's eyes snapped open.
The only thing she could see was blue. Beautiful and daunting dark blue. Then her body registered that she wasn't just seeing shit. There was blue surrounding her. Better yet, she was submerged deeply in the blue.

The blue water was holding her captive.
Vidia was floating, then she was sinking in an endless abyss of water. The oxygen stored in her lungs was running out very quickly.

Vidia's body went into autopilot. Clawing her way up, she pushed herself towards what she hoped was a surface.
She moved as fast as she could, her oxygen dwindling quickly. She began to panic, her chest burning and screaming out for air.

Vidia released part of the air in her cheeks, rushing to get to the surface. The only sign of potential success was the water growing brighter and brighter. The higher she went the more she could see, the clearer and less dark the water became.

Vidia could feel the sun and that's what motivated her to keep going. The breath she was desperately trying to hold on to, only lasted for what felt like a second. Vidia's body continued to protest and scream out for her to inhale, to open her mouth and allow in some air but if she did that, air was not what she would be gulping down.

Heart beating quickly, ears popping, and eyes straining, Vidia pushed herself. Black and white spots began to take over her vision yet there was no way she'd allow herself to die like this.

Just when she thought she'd made it, more water drifted past her fingers and she had to force her eyes closed. The burning sensation and blurring dots weren't helping her situation at all.

Now blind, she haphazardly paddled until her hands finally met the air. Forcefully shoving her face up, she inhaled heavily, swallowing as much air as she could. Gasping, she sucked in as much air as she could, water also splashing into her mouth.

Vidia spit it out, inhaling again before opening her eyes. They still stung a little but the dots had cleared up and she had never been more grateful for air. She would never take it for granted again.

Now that she wasn't on the verge of drowning, Vidia looked around for some form of land, a landmark, an island, anything. She came up empty-handed, sending a chill down her body.

There was nothing around but a rock. One large rock floating a few feet ahead of her. It was just big enough to hold her and stay afloat.

That's where she needed to be, out of the dangerous water and on something solid. Vidia's sole focus was surviving then she would figure out what the fuck was going on. The questions in her mind were shoved away for the time being, her eyes glue on the rock.

She knew she needed to move before something knocked her back down and she really did drown. Or worse, something came up and decided to make her it's next meal.

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