I don’t know how it happened but what felt like seconds later I saw the sun start to rise over the tree tops to my left, directly over the river. Watching it with little interest I continued to kneel there next to my fallen comrade until I heard coyote howls in the distance. If I stayed here surrounded and covered in blood then they were going to attack me and rip me to shreds. My eyes strayed down to Adam; I couldn’t leave him here to get ripped apart with his death to never be known by anyone else.

            I was determined as I grabbed him by the arm pits and started dragging him back towards the tree line, nothing in this world was going to make me give up on him now, the least I could do for him was make sure he didn’t become dog chow.

            My breath frosted up into the air in front of me as I made slow progress to the trees tugging Adam with me. I finally made it through but continued on not stopping for about two hours until I burst into another clearing, the one I found at school the first day I was dropped off here while Adam was making fun of me for nearly killing one of my roommates.

            In the center of the columns my knees finally gave out and I crashed down into the dirt and snow next to Adam’s body while I stared at his face. Suddenly I remembered that I just completed my mission, if I didn’t tell the organization that it was over then they were going to send someone out here to see what happened, and they would take him away from me.

            I somehow managed to pull my cell phone out of my pocket and opened up a new text message box. My fingers were trembling with cold as I typed in, “Target has been eliminated, identity is unknown, cleanup has been completed, house and all of his research has been completely destroyed.” I hit the send button and the mail go flying through the sky until my phone beeped signaling that my organization received the text.

            Tucking my phone away into my pocket I lied down and snuggling my face into Adam’s chest not caring that I was getting blood on myself; I could at least stay out here a little longer for him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and felt that his body was already cold to the touch, he really was gone, tears began to slide down my cheeks again as I cried softly into his chest until I couldn’t feel anything anymore.

            In my semi-conscious state I felt my arms get tugged off of Adam before I was lifted up into the air. Oh my god, my organization was probably here and was going to take him away; I started struggling like mad trying to shove myself away from the guy who was holding onto me. “Josey calm down, it’s me, Nick,” he shouted at me and my eyes flew open and I spun around to look up at him.

            His eyes were a midnight blue due to fear as he stared down at all the blood covering me and the body of my old friend at our feet. Rubbing some tears from my cheeks I pushed him away from me and fell back down next to Adam, I grabbed his stiff hand from the ground and pressed it against my cheek trying not to look at Nick. He betrayed me, him and all of my other “friends”, I should be dead anyway, they would have liked that anyway.

            A gentle hand was placed on my shoulder, instead of pulling me away again Nick let me kneel there keeping close to me sharing his warmth. Moments passed as I stared down at Adam before Nick said, “Josey, you’re shivering, we should head back to school.”

            Not moving a muscle I replied, “I thought you said no one wanted me there, you told me to leave, Sam said she wished I died, and I nearly did a few times. So I’m going to stay here with my now dead best friend wishing he actually killed me instead.” Finally the dam inside me broke and about ten years’ worth of tears came flooding out of my eyes as I crouched over Adam sobbing.

Kill Me SweetlyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin