06. The weight of the choice

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"Love is a biological hack, really," I scoffed, taking a long gulp of my nimbu pani. "Just a cocktail of chemicals to keep the species going. Oxytocin, dopamine, norepinephrine - that's it. No grand gestures, no moonlight sonatas."

Nadia, ever the science whiz, swatted my arm playfully. "Hey! I'm the bio major here, remember? Save the cynic act for someone else." She thumped her empty glass on the table with a dramatic flourish.

Antara, ever the pragmatist, rolled her eyes and swiveled on my bed to face me. We were huddled in my room, the weight of my decision - Varad Oberoi, of all people - hanging heavy in the air.

"Look, I'm not here to dissect your feelings," Antara said, glancing at the manila envelope full of legalese in my lap. "Just making sure you're absolutely positive. This is the point of no return."

The day had been a marathon of spreadsheets and meetings, and all I craved was sleep. But Antara had barged in, manila envelope in hand, and Nadia followed suit half an hour later. So here I was, spilling the beans about my Oberoi entanglement.

Antara's question snagged on something in my mind. But before the doubts could swarm, a vision of Megh, curled up like a contented kitten, flickered in my head. A smile tugged at my lips.

"Positive? I'm a thousand percent sure," I declared, the words firmer than I expected.

"Mami and Mamu? In the loop?" Nadia asked, voicing the worry that had been gnawing at me too. The whole Oberoi business felt like a gilded cage, and I knew Mami and Mamu wouldn't be thrilled about me signing my life away for it.

"They'll find out eventually," Antara started, her voice laced with concern. "You know how Mami gets..."

The shrill ring of my phone cut her off. It was a video call from Vartika. We'd exchanged numbers recently, and she was a breath of fresh air - plus, Megh loved chatting with her.

With a smile, I answered the call. My heart clenched at the sight of Megh's tear-streaked face.

"Mumma! Chau took Mumu!" he whimpered, his voice thick with emotion. "Chau" - his sweet mispronunciation of "chachu" - "took Mumu!" Mumu, of course, was his beloved monkey toy. Wildlife obsession, that kid.

"Hey, champ," I soothed. "Big boys don't cry, remember? I bet Dad can get Mumu back from your sneaky Chachu. How about you play with Eli until then?"

Megh, sniffing, gave a valiant nod and swiped at his eyes. He disappeared for a moment, then reappeared clutching his elephant stuffy.

"Alright, big smile for Mumma?" I cooed. He rewarded me with a gummy grin that could melt glaciers.

"That's my boy. Listen, I gotta go, okay? But I'll call you tomorrow, promise?"

A cheerful "okay" and a wave filled the screen before I hung up.

"Deep in, aren't we?" Antara said when I turned back to them. Nadia mirrored her sentiment with a vigorous nod.

I shrugged, a sigh escaping my lips. The "what ifs" swirled in my head, a storm brewing on the horizon.

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