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In sullen silence I will wander through my own open mind,
Where thoughts are like dying trees to the eyes inside my head,
The grass besides my tender feet is turning grey before me


I hear great beasts in the far distance,
They mock me and growl as though to splinter and disturb me from slumber-
I grow so feverish upon this walk


My legs are languid from these leaden steps,
My frame is weary from eternal strife
To walk and walk through desolate wasteland-
Black hills with muted birdsong


I wish for the great caverns within my mind
To grow their dainty flowers,
To obscure a writhing state of bewilderment-
I stand here now quite confused


The sun that beams upon my back
Is fading fast beneath the clouds,
Who loom and lurk around this scene,
Which materialises so wickedly before my eyes


I will walk here forever, and will feel trapped
My feet forced to never be released from stern and solid ground,
It must observe me so
And keep me here- a prisoner to the ordinary


The grey grass in which my tired feet
grace upon- it dies before me,
It crumbles beneath my feet,
And in my head I hear it, I feel it so strong,
I feel so horrible for crushing such life


My walk shall be eternal, I shall stay in this place until
My cold body meets the grave,
And the twisting oceans deep below
The infinite wandering earth


Inside my mind I am walking,
For my feet must not leave this room,
My mind is my only labyrinth to explore tonight-
For I am now a prisoner deep within it


I shall not escape this perilous walk-
A journey so toxic so the soul,
One day the atmosphere will smother me,
And I will choke upon all I dream about


Deep within my sleep tonight,
Where still I walk forever inside my conscience,
I will grow more weaker by the day,
Until soon I shall not walk any further,
And soon I shall not dream


For my dreams are just a jumbled reflection
Of all I endure whilst I am awake,
All of the walking, endless walking,
These dreams will forever be so cruel to me-
And I shall forever fear the time I sleep

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