final words

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All I am is ill again,
With such disgusting imagination,
My days are nearing their end-
In these final pages I shall shed my final breath;

I shall bleed my final word
Upon such weary paper,
Carved into sunken skin-
I said my thoughts were horrid

I am so ill in body in mind,
I feel as though the eyes of death are stalking me
Like a wanton predator,
Lurking in the darkness

I shroud myself in darkness;
For in the dark I am alone,
And when I am alone
There is no one but these pages,
To care so uselessly for my dying blood

Will these final words last forever?
No- this paper shall not keep,
Nor shall my frail skin;
I watch it fade away
And disintegrate


All that my words will be one day is ash
And nobody will be there
To remember them,

Only a mind so utterly alone
May host such hopeless imagination,
No skin so starved
May crumble as does mine

So ill I feel upon this night;
My head is sickened,
To which there is no cure,
Not even these senseless words

My life is drawing to a close
And yet my world still feels so shallow,
At this moment all that matters
Is me and these final words,

Yet I do not feel alive,
Nor do I feel like death;
Within a warbling purgatory I shall lie
In absolute silence-
Now that shallow words have ceased

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