Chapter 2

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There, in front of me, laid both my parents dead.

My dad had a slit throat. His blue shirt was torn open and his kidneys were missing. There was blood everywhere.

Bloody handprints littered the walls of the small house and blood all over the sheets.

My mom was laying against the wall with her head hanging low and blood dripping from what looks to be where her eyes were located.

Her hand against her stomach and a puddle of blood surrounding her staining her already dirty clothes even more.

Moving closer I kicked her hand away from her stomach and found that there was a tiny cut in her stomach area.

Like she had a operation cut but halfway through the doctor gave up and went home forgetting to stitch her up.

*gore is over*

"What the absolute fuck happened here?!?"

Some things still don't add up, Why were there baby stuff? Diapers? Baby bottles? Something's still missing.

Checking under the bed there was nothing.

Closet? Empty.

God the smell was bad. I jogged my way out of the little run done place to catch some fresh air.

Taking in deep breaths as I hurled over finally reaching outside.
I don't get it.

Near the forests in the middle of nowhere. Could it have been a bear? No they would have eaten everything. Assassin? Wouldn't surprise me but I doubt it.

Baby bottles? This stuff doesn't make sense.

Leaving whatever I came for behind, I got back in my car and drove back to my little apartment.

Arriving after a long drive, it was around midnight. Everything was dark, the only lights were those of the three street lamps that actually worked. The rest were dead.

Parking my car in the drive way I got out with an uneasy feeling.

The feeling of being watched.

I calmly walked towards the door, as to not alert anyone if there was someone watching me.

Jamming my keys in the door, I calmly went inside and slammed the door shut.

That's when a light caught my eye.There was a light coming from somewhere in my apartment but i know i don't have electricity since I didn't pay the electric bill this month.

Slowly I made my way towards the light. It came from my bathroom, of all places.

The bathroom door was slightly open letting the light escape.

I pressed my ear against the door listening for any possible movement but there was nothing.

Did someone break into my apartment? Is this suppose to be a prank?

"Okay common guys this isn't funny you can come out now"

No answer nor movement had me swallowing any left over saliva hard.

My mouth felt dry and my throat felt like it was about to claw out of my skin.

Pushing the sliding door open slowly I noticed a little candle standing on the sink.

The window was closed and there was no movement. The shower curtain was closed to.

Taking the candle I made my way over to the closed shower curtain. My heart was racing and ready to leave my body.

Yanking open the shower curtain I found nothing but a basket. Like a food basket but there was a tin foil kinda thing over it preventing me from seeing what's inside.

Something caught my eye immediately after looking at the basket.


There was blood on the handle of the basket. My eyes widened as I slowly reached out to remove the tin foil.

My heart was racing so fast, my breath caught in my throat I was ready for the moment a monster jumped out and yanked off my arm.

Ripping off the tin foil and running to the other side of the bathroom as fast as I can. I caught my breath and listened closely.

No sound, no movement. Taking a deep breath I slowly went closer to the basket again.

I froze in place staring down at the basket. My mind couldn't comprehend what was going on.

It's like my brain didn't wane accept it but yet reality was in front of me and I was staring it straight in the eyes.

A baby laid wrapped in a little blue blanket. Not moving, not making a single sound. And blood was smeared on its for head.

I stared down at the infant. Anyone from a mile away could tell the baby was premature.

I shook my head and only then did I actually realize my situation. Picking up the baby I held one hand behind its neck and head while resting it against my chest checking for a pulse.

Luckily it was breathing.

"Shit little dude or girl, I suppose you'll be sleeping with me for the night till we can go to the cops tomorrow and find out who your mom and dad is. God for bit your my sister, it might just be good my parents are dead cause if you are, I would have killed them myself. Common let's gets some rest."

Picking up the candle and walking to my bedroom I packed four pillows around the baby, preventing it from falling off the bed.

Sighing I undressed and hopped in bed.

Staring at the candle for a few more seconds before blowing it out and falling asleep.

Not noticing the figure staring at me outside my window.....

Crazy Love (CreepyPasta Fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora