death lies only below and above we shall not lie

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In unbroken melody those below us call out through the ground
Such voices seem to reach the heavens;
Silence so familiar now slaughtered
by tones
So nauseating to endure,
Bestowed upon a dying world
By the long since dead that sink and rot below,
Still ambience of the middle world
Above the sinking earth-
It sustains so weakly amongst
The swirling wails of them
And how they seem so foreign to us;
Like animals from another world
Far beyond the one which holds those Gods
That all others talk so highly of,
Tranquility grows asphyxiated by the ceaseless chanting
Foreign tongue so unfamiliar to a peaceful world that thrives in life
Push those thoughts, those dreadful melodies
To the back of minds
Ever sinking, creeping further behind
The curtains the crevices;
In a peaceful land, a peaceful mind
So distant from this smothering land beneath,
One day will these voices crack the surface-
The boundary that separates the two worlds-
The below where all those dead and dark may lie;
In agonising wailing groaning endless suffering,
From unnamed beings so cold
To the above, to the world above the dwindling surface
Where all souls may be solidified
Into eternal duty to the universe;
A peace so fabricated yet so followed
By all who lie upon such a surface,
Perpetual screaming rings out -almost tuneful now
Hence one day it shall pierce through this world
And perhaps too the one far above
Where useless Gods sleep and bleed,
It shall contort all and capture
The living peaceful souls,
To plunge them deep down
To unsettled deaths beneath twisting roots
Of the dying flowers up above-
Above we shall no longer lie,
Above we never lie

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