"I....I've never seen my mums grave either" Louis says to Harry

"I know, I'll give you some time" Harry says

"Can you stay?" Louis finds himself asking.

Harry smiles

"Sure can" Harry says

He sits down on the grass in front of the stones,

"Did he have a proper funeral?" Louis asks, he wasn't allowed at his mums and they left town a few hours after his dad got back from it, but she had a nice goodbye from what his dad told him.

"He did, a proper underground funeral, he knew you were there in heart Lou. I'm sorry how everything turned out, please just know that" Harry says

"I'm the one who ran Harry, it's all on me, I just felt so alone and lost and numb and I did the first thing that made me feel like I could breathe" Louis says as he comes to sit next to Harry.

"And now, what about now?" Harry asks  

"I'm overwhelmed if I'm honest, it's always been Dad and I since I could remember, we were barely in one place long enough to make friends and I don't have any relatives, but Dad never made it feel like we were alone, or that we needed anyone else. I'm really grateful that you guys wanted me and for everything you did for my dad and my mum, but I just don't know where I belong and I miss him so much" Louis says breathing out.

"You belong with us Louis, or it wouldn't have all happened the way it did. Your dad was an amazing, selfless, wonderful human and he passed all of that on to you, so did your mum. Just know that you are our family, that we are your family and we always will be. You are welcome here anytime you need to come, There will always be someone to bring you, I visit my parents a lot too" Harry says

Louis looks to Harry and smiles

"Thanks Harry, for everything and for being so patient with me" Louis says.

"I know what it's like to lose your parents, I do understand" Harry says and he's right, Louis realised that Harry has lost both his parents too and he has so much responsibility now.

"Well you didn't have to be, you do have an entire illegal underground to run" Louis says with a slight smirk

Harry laughs

"No matter how many times I say it's not illegal you're not going to belive me are you" Harry says as he stands up and reaches out for Louis hand to help him up.

Louis smiles,

He grabs Harry's hand and Harry pulls him up easily

"Probably not, but I trust you, and the boys and that's enough for me" Louis says

Harry beams back at Louis and Louis can't help the butteries he feels when he sees Harry smile like that. It's rare and Louis will treasure it.

They make it back to the car and they begin the drive to the next place

"Thanks for bringing me here Harry" Louis says

"Anytime Lou, and I mean that" Harry says

"Where are we going now?" Louis asks

Harry smiles.

"I have one more place and then we can go find some food, I'm starving" Harry says

Louis smiles he's not hungry but supposes he should try and eat something

By the time they get food Louis is completely overwhelmed, he is rather emotional.

"You're quiet darling, what's wrong?" Harry asks as they sit down at a very expensive looking restaurant.

"I'm just trying to take this all in" Louis says

"You don't have to attend the university Lou, you can start at home and work up to going to classes" Harry tells him.

"I think I might start like that I just...don't fit in there, I don't come from wealth Harry, I don't feel comfortable with it. Those kids were like so not me, I don't know. I'm scared Tony will find me too" Louis says shyly.

Harry took Louis to London Elite university, where he apparently has a scholarship due to his high schooling results. The university is only for the Elite and the underground, so Harry apparently knows everyone attending, Louis loved the school he just felt like he didn't belong.

"Well, I understand that, I wouldn't be letting you go without a guard anyway and Tony is going to find out soon enough, and we are ready for that, so don't worry about anything to do with Tony okay, we don't want you thinking about it. You're now also part of one of the wealthiest families in Britain Louis, you do belong there, but like I said start from home if it will make you more comfortable" Harry says smiling.

"Your money is not my money Harry and my Dad didn't leave me anything, I'll have to get a job" Louis says

"Not happening, Drew and Scott are your guardians, they are part of the family they are wealthy, now you are discussion" Harry says intimidatingly as he looks at his menu

Louis sighs, there is no way he's spending anyone's money but he and Harry can have that discussion later.

Louis looks at his menu and scrunches his face up.

"What the hell is a scollopino" Louis asks sounding disgusted

Harry looks up and laughs

"Seafood" Harry clarifies

Harry watches as Louis looks over the menu in both confusion and disgust he can't get over how much he loves watching Louis

The waiter comes over and Harry orders drinks and his meal, he then surprises Louis and Louis can't help the shy smile

"Can you also ask Rafael to make Louis some chicken nuggets and chips" Harry asks politely

"Of course Harry" the waitress says and she smiles at Louis and winks in a comforting way.

When she's gone Harry turns to Louis

"Thank you" Louis blushes

"Only for you" Harry winks and Louis can't help but grin.

Harry and Louis spend the afternoon getting to know each other a little more. Louis sees a side of Harry he doesn't show many people and he's grateful for the comfort and easy going Harry. Harry can be quite scary when it comes to his job and other people. Harry is grateful Louis is opening up, he's a shy kid but he's talking to Harry and Harry couldn't be more thankful.

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