One: The First Chapter

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Just saying that the openings and endings are from different anime and will be used for the environment of that part of the story
*At Gohan's house*

Currently Whis is using his powers to help Videl give birth to you

Whis: Hold on just a bit longer

Pan: Hurry up! I wanna see my baby brother!

Gohan: Be patient pan

Pan: Hm! Fine

Chichi: *Just looking*

Goku: ?

Bulma: It's a lot easier with Whis helping you isn't it?

Videl: Yeah, a lot

Whis: All done

Videl: *Holding Y/n* Thank you Whis

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Videl: *Holding Y/n* Thank you Whis

(I will explain how they named you later)

Chichi: *Pats Y/n*

Whis: Yes yes. However you might want to know something

Videl: ?

Goku: What's that?

Whis: When I help give birth I sense something within him Something god like

Gohan: And.. What's that?

Whis: I sensed Akumoki within him

Goku: Who's that?

Vegeta: *Intrigued*

Chichi: Who is this Akumoki?! Get him out my Y/n!

Whis: I wouldn't say such things

Chichi: Why not?!

Whis: Akumoki gets angry quite easily

Pan: And?

Goku: ?

Whis: And you don't want to anger Akumoki

Pan: Why not? What's so scary about this guy?

Whis: Akumoki, is a god. To be more specific a Demonic beast god over 100 million years old one. He's the 13th and final Demon beast God. He possesses a human form in which he's even stronger than Lord Beerus

Chichi: 😱 This God is inside my baby?!

Whis: Yes

Goku: Cool! Can I fight him?!

Pan: Don't be silly grandpa! He's inside Y/n and You can't just extract him! That would be awful!

Goku: *Sigh* I guess your right

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