Rosie gives the other girl a flabbergasted look. "You just realize that now?"

The brown haired just shrugs while Rosie looks at her for a little longer as her mind process all of information she just got. The younger girl then lets out a sigh but it seems that sigh catches Jisoo's attention because the girl says, "You seem disappointed. Mind to tell me why? Is it because you found out I can't see ghost?"

Yes, that's a part of it. "I don't mean to offend," Rosie then says. "But when Lisa told me to seek you if I ever need help, I expected something... grand." Maybe somebody who can see ghost too or somebody who can do more. "Yet you turn out as a, no offense once more, really observant normal people."

"I honestly don't think I'm your definition of normal. After all, will normal people be this calm when you talk to them about ghost?" Jisoo calmly talks back with no trace of being offended, which is a good thing. Rosie also needs to admit this girl has a point. "And who says I can't interact with ghost?"

The younger girl does something she does a lot in these few hours, looking at Jisoo in confusion, while her mouth tries to give an answer, "Uh, Lisa?"

The brown haired girl raises both of her eyebrows in surprise. "She said that?"

Not really. "Well, to be exact, she said you couldn't interact with ghost like I do."

"That one is right. I can't interact with ghost like you but that doesn't mean I can't interact with ghost at all. Be careful with words, Rosie, they can be misleading." Rosie's confuse stare still doesn't leave so Jisoo elaborates, "I can talk to them. When I know they're around I just need to talk out loud, like talking to myself. I can't hear they talk back to me, of course."

Is this girl serious? "And if you accidentally hurt their feeling?"

"Ever heard a saying, 'ignorance is a bliss'?"

From the corners of her eyes, Rosie can see Mr. Lee glances at them. It seems haunting this brown haired girl isn't an easy job.

"Like what you did in Mrs. Lee's house? You tried to talk to her, didn't you?"

The atmosphere changes right away after those words leave Rosie's mouth. Jisoo's expression turns pretty dark pretty quickly and any trace of happy spark in her eyes gone right away. Rosie realizes her mistake more and more when she sees hollowness makes an appearance in Jisoo's eyes before the girl slowly turns her head forward and leans back on her seat. Those blank eyes keep staring forward emptily while the owner limply sits there, like a broken doll. Rosie wants to curse herself. Her and her damn mouth! And Lisa told her to handle this subject carefully with Jisoo!

Rosie is about to touch Jisoo's shoulder, trying to somehow fix her mistake, but a transparent hand beats her into it. She whips her head to the owner of that hand and sees Mr. Lee, who's already inside the car, looks at the brown haired girl with worry visible in his eyes. He then turns his face to Rosie. He doesn't say anything even though his expression demands for explanation but Rosie is unable to say anything except mouthed a 'sorry'.

"What's the ghost name?"

Jisoo's voice catches both of their attention. Rosie can see Mr. Lee looks at the brown haired girl for a little longer before he lets go of her shoulder and takes a seat on the backside. Rosie then returns her eyes to the older girl.

"Who's your talking about? Lisa? Or Mrs. Lee? I don't know the latter first name."

Jisoo puts both of her hands to the steering wheel before she moves her body forward and rests the side of her head on those hands while her eyes look at the younger girl. Her expression is casual and those eyes are calm with no trace that sorrow just touched that face not so long ago. Rosie doesn't know how this girl does that, changing her whole expression and body language that easily in a short time.

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