Dream the charge forward towards her and begin slashing at her.

Amity has to play defense once again and begin blocking and dodging his attacks, she then block his attack and pushed him backwards with as much force as she could.

Dream stubled for a bit before recovering quickly, he sprinted as he punched Amity directly in her face, and kneed her in the stomach, Amity then stumbled and retreated for a while.

"Whats holding you back Ami?" taunted Dream, even with that mask on his face he has a sadistic aura around him... If you look closely,bBehind that mask you can see his eyes glowing a dangerous neon green a bit.

"Come on, Ami lets Pvp for real!" he declared "Unless...you want to disapoint your friend?".

Amity's eyes widened for a second, she quickly composed herself and her grip tighted around her weapon, stood up and quickly got in a stance.

Amity's eyes widened for a second, she quickly composed herself and her grip tighted around her weapon, stood up and quickly got in a stance

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"If thats what you want, then sure!"

"No hard feelings right Dream?" asked Amity in a happy tone.

"Yep, no hard feelings Ami" comfirmed Dream with a smirk, even though the child couldnt see his face she had a feeling she was smirking.

Amity quickly went to attack Dream, her masked opponent was pushed back, he was stunned for a while and he seemed to be enjoying it.

'Thats it, guess she can actually take the offensive afterall"

Amity had a different expression on her face, she looked a bit unhinged. She quickly composed herself and had a seemingly joyful expression on her face. She had a different Aura around her, she still had her calm facade but had bloodlust or malice behind it.

Amity then sprinted towards Dream aiming to cut his arm, he dodge and got sliced, he's not going easy now.

The two then charged at eachother, Amity and Dream began attacking and blocking eachother once again, but this time Dream was faster and put more strength into his strikes.

Amity slowly got faster, nearly getting as fast as Dream.

Amity was nimble, quick, and flexible making up for her strenght difference agaisnt her opponent.

Her blows were precise and quick, aiming for the weakspots of the body such as the back of the knee, neck, spine, stomach and etc. Making her quite an opponent for Dream. But she wasnt on the same level as him, Dream then disarmed Amity, as Amity then backflipped onto a tree, retreating to heal for a second.

She sprinted to Dream and dodged most of his strikes with his sword, she then kicked the sword out of his hand using her left leg.

Dream then tried to punch Amity but she avoided it by dodging using a front roll. They exchange blows and continued fighting.

Amity was struggling, they continued fighting as Dream swiped Amity off her feet

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Amity was struggling, they continued fighting as Dream swiped Amity off her feet. Her eyes widened for a second and the world seemed to slow down, Amity tried to kicked Dreams head, to her dismay he blocked it.

She then wrapped her legs around Dream putting him in a chokehold.

Dream then slammed Amity to the ground as Amity flinched and loosen her grip. Dream then slipped out of Amity's grasp as he got the wooden sword and put it to Amity's neck.

Amity panted heavily and Dream was slightly out of breath.

Dream is quite impress with Amity's combat but it seems like shes more of a long range attacker.

Dream then took Amitys hand and pulled her up.

"That was a good spar, your quite good for her age but not as good as me" said Dream.

"Your not too bad yourself, I thought I was quite decent" she admitted, while fiddling with her fingers a bit.

"I have some bandages and ice packs inside come on" she offered, with her hand extended a bit.

"Sounds good, Ami" said Dream as they walked back towards the house, side by side.

A Small World, but Smaller ChildWhere stories live. Discover now