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"Its our second week here and you're not making the best fucking impression. You haven't met the other bands yet, which you should've done before the start of the tour. You're late every single day. Late to signings, late to rehearsal, late to your own goddamn shows!"

For the past 15 minute I've been listening to my  band manger, Ray absolutely tear into us about everything we've been doing wrong, which apparently, is absolutely everything. In Ray's defence, we have been doing everything wrong. We almost missed last nights show because we partied a little too hard last night.

"Look, guys, get it the fuck together." Ray says, his lecture coming to an obvious end. "I'm your manager, I'm not your babysitter. And I don't want to have to hire one to keep you all in line. Make your fucking set times, make your rehearsals. I don't care if you partied the night before and are hungover. I don't even care if you're still drunk! Just do your job so I can do mine. Got it? Good. Fuck off now." he says, his favourite way of dismissing us.

Everyone gets up from their seats noticeable annoyed. We love our partying ways and even with a lecture I don't think it'll change anything.

"Oh and one last thing!" Ray yells walking back into the room. "Go meet the other bands, okay? You don't need to like them, just go shake hands with them at least. One just finished their signings and are waiting for you."

"He wasn't like this last time." Mac mumbles beside me.

Mac's the groups guitarist and he's probably the chillest of the group. Not that he doesn't party, he does, and he parties hard, he's just the most levelheaded. He goes with the flow and doesn't really care about much.

"He used to never give a fuck if we met a single band at all." Lila chimes in, her tone unpleasant.

Lila is the lead singer which means she has the exact attitude as every lead singer. To put it nicely, she's a bit stuck up. To us shes lovely but to complete strangers she's a whole other person.

"We're the goddamn headliners." Lila says. She gets up from her seat and runs a hand through her hair, which I admit looks nice. "We don't need to meet them, they need to meet us."

"Who cares man. Lets go meet them. Shake hands, whatever." Mac says.

Lila rolls her eyes at this, acting like she's too good for it which he probably believes she is.

All of us get up reluctantly, pretty much dragging our feet as we head to the door.

"Its just one meeting. They seem like nice guys anyways." I say to the group.

"You don't even know what band we're meeting." Lila says.

We walk through the doors and four guys are sitting around the signing table. I think its Pierce the Veil. I've seen them play before while waiting backstage but I don't know much about them.

"Hey guys!" one of the guys yells, a guy with short spiky hair. When he smiles the cutest dimples come out. "We've been so stoked to meet you!"

"Yeah we've been excited too." Lila says with the same grin that I've seen melt thousands and thousands of women and men. "I'm sorry we couldn't make it happen sooner, we've been busy with getting the whole tour routine down. You guys get it."

I see the two guys on the left glance at each other quickly, before looking back at Lila. Its clear they're not buying her shit. I guess they've heard about her from other bands. Nevertheless, the guy in front of us is still looking friendly and isn't fazed by Lila. Or maybe he is but he isn't showing it.

"No problem. We've all been there." the guys says. "I'm Jaime by the way." he says then turns and points at the other guys in his band. "Thats Mike, Tony, and Vic."

The guys in back nod their heads in that typical bro way that men do.

"Yeah, I'm Lila, obviously." Lila says with her stupid smile again, and glances back at us. "This is Mac and Wren." she says.

We go around exchanging pleasantries for a couple of minutes before Vic interrupts the conversation.

"Sorry to do this but we actually have our rehearsal time scheduled now, so we gotta go." Vic says. "Great meeting you guys. We'll see you around sometime, yeah? Feel free to stop by our bus whenever you want."

We exchange goodbyes with them briefly and they head off towards the back of the venue as we leave through the doors we came through ten minutes ago.

"Pricks." Lila says when we're out the door.

"They're chill guys." Mac says. "I've been around them before. Everyone gets on with them."

"Yeah they seem nice." I chime in which makes Lila roll her eyes.

"We don't need to really see them anyways." Mac says. "They play before us so we can easily stay out their way."

"You mean they'll stay out ours." Lila says.

I have to forcefully stop myself from rolling my eyes.

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