1. Oh yeah, she's my evil alter ego

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A/N: Hey everyone, thanks for choosing to read my story! Just a few warnings before you start: this will take place in the real world, not in the Marvel Universe. The main characters has severe mommy issues. More than half of the characters are queer and this includes queer smut, so if you don't like it please stop reading the story right now. Thank you for your attention, enjoy your reading <3.

I sigh heavily as the first few drops of rain start to fall from the thick layer of clouds that kept the sun from shining throughout the whole day. Of course when I left my house to get to Vlad's place I didn't think about the possibility of rain so now I don't have any type of protection with me, not even an umbrella. I quicken my pace as it starts to rain hard, racing by all the Victorian style villas.
I live in a small town in Oregon, that resembles London a bit too much, where everyone knows everything, or quite, about everyone else. I kinda hate it here, but the forests and the green areas are really beautiful though.

After walking all the way down to the only main street we have, I finally arrive at my best friend's house, soaking wet. I wring out my hair while waiting on the porch for someone to open the front door. 

<<Hey, I didn't know you were coming over! I would have baked you something. Do you prefer cookies or cake?>> As soon as the door swings open I'm greeted by a concerned mrs. Romanoff. I shake my head, smiling.
<<Don't worry, I'm not hungry. Thank you so much though>> I say, hugging her and making my way inside the warm atrium. 

<<Hey, mind if you help me out with my maths problems?>> A very unbothered by my unexpected  presence Vlad asks me. <<Leave her alone and don't use her just because you are dumb. Can't you see she's completely wet? Let her dry at least>> Her mum buttons in before I can answer, the thick Russian accent making the statement sound like an order. 
<<No but really, I'm happy to help him mrs. Romanoff>> I say as I smile at her again.
She may be a bit harsh with her son, but she's really sweet.
Wish I could say the same about my mother...

I follow Vlad to his room and plop down on his bed, resting my head on the fluffy pillows afoot of it. I sigh as I rub my hands on my eyes, remembering why I came here in the first place.
Ever since my parents divorced I'm stuck with my mum, who picked up the beautiful habit of beating me up and yelling at me it's my fault her life is now a total disaster. My dad on the other hand just disappeared, so I haven't heard from him since I was ten. 

<<So... your mother again?>> I just nod, my hands still covering my eyes. I feel the bed shift at his weight as he sits beside me. He rubs my arm in a reassuring way, somehow managing to make me feel safer with one simple movement.
I first met Vlad  in school last year: I was the introvert that never talks to anyone and he was the weirdo foreigner, so when we started attending the same biology class we became friends almost immediately.
He and his family moved here two years ago from Russia, their motherland, but he was transferred to my school only last year. 

<<Ugh, one day I might just get on a plane and leave this shitty country and this shit hole and become a farmer in Sri Lanka>> I groan as I sit back up, finally dropping my hands on my laps. He chuckles.
<<Do you even know where Sri Lanka is?>> he asks me, shoving me lightly.
<<Of course! It's an island just below India, South Asia. I did my research>> I say laughing while shoving Vlad right back. <<So what, you leave me all alone with my maths problem while you fly off to become -what?- a Srilankese farmer?>> He asks me, crossing his arms on his chest and faking a pout.
<<Hey, I'd make a wonderful Srilankese farmer!>> I exclaim, extremely offended by his ironic tone. 

<<It's Sri Lankan you morons>> A breathtaking redhead who's all too similar to Vlad suddenly walks in. I almost literally drop my jaw as I look back and forth between Vlad and the girl, not getting what the hell is going on. 

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