The graduation

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After a few years Draco and Hermione are still dating,Draco is planning to propose to her after graduation but he hasn't picked out a ring yet so hes planning to ask Hermione something. Draco ran to Hermione, Hermione said oh hey need anything? Draco asked Hermione her favorite Jewel Hermione responded with a green diamond. Draco said bye and ran to the shop to get her a ring like that. It was really expensive but Draco didnt care anything for his princess and maybe soon to be wife. At graduation they all hugged each other and got there friends phone number. Harry also proposed to Ginny,Ginny cried tears of happy,everyone cheered. Draco was hiding the ring he was waiting until there wasn't a crowd otherness he told everyone he knew. An hour after graduation Hermione and Draco were having lunch near a pond when they were about to leave Draco finally proposed Hermione nodded her head yes and went in for a big hug from Draco. They were planning it in a rose garden they invited there close friends and family,they were both very nervous Ginny Lavender and suprisingly Pansy helped Hermione do her hair, makeup and pick out a dress with a vail. They all thought she looked gorgeous but Hermione was still nervous very much... She wants to marry Draco but she also thinks it's to soon and what not Hermione was surprised by the set up and it looked very expensive she stared at Draco and she said this looks like it costed millions Draco you could've bought a mansion instead Draco was kinda confused and so were his parents her parents were just smiling Draco glared at his parents and he said i told you it shouldn't have been too expensive, Hermione was still listing what Draco could've bought instead of this fancy old wedding place the brides maid and best man we're just laughing there heads off. Hermione was glaring at the flower girl in disgust because the little girl was wearing rags, Hermione said this flower girl is not wearing rags im buying her a proper dress,everyone just laughed including Draco, whether less Hermione ran to a store and bought the poor little girl a dress that looked very fancy for someone her age persay she helped the little girl and wala her masterpiece was done the little girl was now wearing a light pink dress with a ribbon replacing a belt. Draco's parents were surprised in her fashion when she was usually just a smart and book reading person. Hermione's parents were waiting then Hermione finally walked down and then just mocked the priest and the priest didnt care anymore so he just left Hermione and Draco kissed and the mom's were cheering and so was Draco's dad but Hermione's dad was making a whole statement about how Draco doesn't deserve his daughter. Hermione was just weirded out, Draco was also but he was frozen. The flower girl was still disgusted from the kiss and whatever Harry and Ginny just glanced at each other confused and looked like they were just amusing the others body and blushing. Hermione and Draco noticed and just kept blinking very fast.

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