The new common room

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She was sorted into Slytherin. Hermione couldnt stop thinking what will my friend think??? Will they hate me??? Will they still be friends with me???? Will they ditch me??? Will they be honest and loyal and stay friend with me????? Hermione took a deep breath she got her luggage her friends wondered where she was going she told all of them and they didnt mind because they were true loyal friends:). Hermione walked in the hall with her luggage and walked into the Slytherin common room everyone gasped and whispered Draco woke up to all the talking and went to see what was going on... Then he screamed GRANGER?!!!?!?!!!?!!! Hermione was like oh fuck... Draco Malfoy gave her an extra tie scarf and cloak and said you wont be needing theese Gryffindor stuff... Everyone was shocked of how kind he was to her Hermione couldnt breath when she saw the beds..they were so beautiful hermione said holy shit this is amazing everyone laughed at her reaction then a girl with black hair walked up to her and whispered in Hermione's ear she said Draco is mine back off pretty bitch Hermione just stood there speechless should she keep it as a compliment or an insult?later that night she layed in her bed staring at the canopy she just read books for a bit until she heard Draco screaming at someone and the someone was Pansy who called her a pretty bitch,Draco was screaming because she tried to kiss him Draco apologized for waking Hermione up and Hermione's heart melted a bit of how kind he was to her now,Draco walked up closer to Hermione and Draco kissed her infront of Pansy. Pansy was heartbroken and she ran to the girls dorm crying none of the girls cared tho cause she was the real brat of Slytherin apparently.Hermione was walking to breakfast when Pansy tripped her infront of everybody,but someone caught her it was Draco! Draco slapped Pansy and the whole entire houses gasped. Pansy got into a fight with Hermione, Hermione won tho and Pansy got really hurt Hermine really didnt care tho. Everyone thought Hermione was turning into a whole different person... Even Dumbledore thought so he didnt care tho because he was busy. It was winter know soon after November 3rd Hermione went out in just a cloak and she was really cold but someone gave her an extra cloak and it was Draco,Hermine thanked him but when she said thank you he was gone like he disappeared Hermione is out of the scene know.. Draco went to a few stores and bought somebody a teddy bear and roses but who... The next day he confessed to that somebody she said....

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