- Chapter Twenty-Seven -

Start from the beginning

It's true.

And I'm not just saying this to get her in my bed at the end of the night.

"Are you wearing white?" Liv taunts as her gaze roams to my trousers in the mirror, "as like you, not my choice," I admit as I smile at her and for once I don't have to force it. During this time, I've noticed me and Liv have more in common than you'd believe. Despite my great relationship with my parents, they control what I do as do Livs I'm guessing. We both don't get attached or feel for anyone else.

"You're enjoying watching me slowly get back into your bed," Liv comments as she turns to face me, "is it working?" I tease as I grin looking down at her. Out of all the girls, Liv is the tallest. However, she's only around 5'8. Still small enough for her to gaze up at me with those eyes.

Those beautiful eyes.

I shake my head, getting out of my thoughts— what the fucks happening to me?

'Those beautiful eyes.'

"I need to head to the other room to get changed," Liv explains as she smooths out the fabric around her stomach, just before she pats my chest, "I'll see you in a minute," Liv mutters as she quickly walks away leaving me stunned in the middle of the room.

My own mind is tricking me.

After a couple of minutes, the boys join me in my room for our annual boy band meeting. We always have them, but especially before my mom's charity event. Normally it's me telling Kian to stay the fuck away from my mom, and married women. I used to advise Roma not to drink, and then encourage Alex to have some fun. "Are we doing this meeting then?" Kian smirks while walking toward the mirror.

"What are you doing?" Alex asks me as he leans against the drawers by the door. "Looking at himself," I say, answering Alex's rhetorical question, Kian turns around to slap my head, "what does it look like I'm doing?" I question. "I have news," Roma comments as he walks into the room, closing the door behind him. "I think I'm going to have sex tonight."

"Congratulations?" I say in confusion as Alex rolls his eyes at my response, "you and Ele haven't?" Kian questions as he gives me the side-eye as if he can't believe what he's hearing. "No, we haven't and with everything that's happened, I'm glad we didn't," Roma admits with a sigh, he's fucked up in the past, but the two of them have moved past it.  "She's had sex before though, right?" Kian asks as Alex's eyebrows furrow, waiting for the answer. "I'm pretty sure." I walk up to him to pat his chest, "don't hurt her, and we'll be good." Roma shrugs my hand off, "why would I hurt her?" The question was slightly offended by my statement.

"Don't be like Bliss," I say again, "what's wrong with me?" Kian asks from across the room, "we've all heard you— it's scarred me," I taunt, we all know the stories of Kian's one-night stands. If we think he's bad in Pullman, you should have heard the stories in New York. A little over two years ago he went a little insane, some may argue. He slept with any girl who gave him attention, he's just as bad as his brother. Despite him being older, the girls all expressed their thoughts on the one night they experienced with the Kian Bliss. Chains, blindfolds, choking— all of it, he doesn't care though. He was either drunk or high on something to block it all out. Fuck knows what went down with him two years ago.

"Just, take it easy," I say, returning my attention back to Roma, "I wouldn't hurt Ele," he speaks more firmly and I believe that. "What time should we leave?" Alex asks while checking his watch, "now." I say with confidence.

Playing The Chase - Book Two in The WSU SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now