The women introduced themselves as heroes and that they owned the land of the training camp.

Izuku knew the heroes and in any other situation he would have stars in his eyes, going on about how cool they were, but Izuku's mind was blank for the exception of one thought.
'A child'
There was a child.
Had it just been the classes and pro's izuku could convince himself that it would be okay...but that was a child right there, and it looked like he was n more than 5 years old...
What would happen could end up scarring that child for life.

"Back to the bus!"


"Save yourselves!"

"Hu-AHHH" Izuku hadn't been listening so when his classmates began to panic he didn't understand why, but then the ground began to move underneath him and then formed a tidal wave of dirt and mud that pushed them all over the cliff and into the forest. Izuku was able to recognize the quirk as the one belonging to Pixie-bob, one of the heroes that had greeted them at the rest stop.

When they had all landed in the forest and gotten their bearings the other lady leaned over the railing to tell them that they had to go through the beast's forest to get to the camp.
'Oh...the training camp has already begun...' izuku realized and slowly turned to the dark forest.
"The beast's...forest?" Izuku didn't like the sound of that at all.

On cue Mineta ran forward, holding his crotch as he still hadn't gotten to pee, but t was then that they all saw just why it was called the beast's forest as a giant creature stepped forward and roared.

Chaos then erupted as Koda tried to calm the beast to no avail.

"Wait, look!" Izuku pointed to a hole in the beast showing that it was hollow.
"It's a puppet made of mud and clay being controlled by Pixie-bob!" He yelled to inform all his classmates.

That fact alone seemed to make the whole situation calmer as they knew it was a controlled environment. A hero wouldn't kill them, just rough them up a bit, but they wouldn't let her if they could help it.

Immediately everyone went running through the forest and attack the beasts lying in wait for them, and that included izuku who, with his telekinesis picked up multiple small rocks, but as small as they were he was able to move them through the air fast, which meant that he used the rocks as powerful projectiles and fired at one of the beasts with wings, cutting the clay wings off making it crash and crush completely.

"Out of my way Deku!"

"AHH!" Izuku got startled but jumped to the side as Katsuki ran past him and took down a beast.
When izuku was first diagnosed as quirkless he immediately told his best friend, Katsuki...big mistake...
Katsuki immediately cut off their friendship and started to call him Deku, so even though Izuku came running a few weeks later to show off his quirk Katsuki had already made up his mind that izuku was useless and weak.
Due to this Izuku's father didn't actually like Katsuki when it came to be friends with his son, however, he did see his explosive temperament and his quirk as reliable...that was why this was happening...izuku would lose everything...just to capture Katsuki, and although he should feel for his old friend for what was about to happen, he couldn't, instead he felt anger towards him grow.
'If only he wasn't like this, then my father wouldn't be doing this now' he thought, but tried to dismiss those thoughts.

His father was the bad guy...not Katsuki.

Even if he had bullied him he didn't deserve this...

"Come on, we still have a long way to go!" One of his classmates, he was pretty sure it was Kirishima, was heard encouraging everyone to keep going, but the further they went the more everyone began to get strained.
Izuku felt lightheaded.
Kaminari had already short-circuited.
Uraraka had already thrown up 2 times.
Aoyama was in pain.
Koda had a sore throat.
Iida was limping.
Katsuki had cramps in his arms, but nevertheless, they finally arrived at the clearing that was training camp.

"Wow, you all made it here faster than I expected, and you four especially did great!" Mandalay pointed to Izuku, iida, Todoroki and Katsuki.

"I call dibs!" Pixie-bob then started going around them and invading their personal space, but then izuku saw the child from before.

"Uh excuse me, I have a question"

"What is it?" Aizawa asked.

"It's just...that kid, who is he?" Izuku pointed to the boy that then narrowed his eyes at him.

"Oh, this is Kota. He's my cousin's son, but he's staying here with us" Mandalay introduced the little antisocial boy, but izuku made a mistake in not thinking of why he would be here instead of with his parents.

Izuku walked up to the boy and bent down a bit before extending his hand. "Hello Kota, it's nice to meet you. I'm Izuku Midoriya" izuku just barely got to introduce himself before Kota lifted his arm and punched izuku in the crotch. Izuku quickly folded from the pain as Iida sped to his side and scolded the child.

"I have no intentions to hang with wannabe heroes!" The boy snarled and izuku got the hint.
There was hatred in that boy's heart, much like the hate he would see in the eyes of the league of villains, a hatred towards hero and hero society in general.

If only izuku could say something to change the mind of that little kid before he got dragged under, but what did he have the right to say? After all, he was a villain more than he was a hero in training.

"Midoriya, are you alright?" Iida asked.

"Y-yeah, he didn't even hit me that hard" izuku lied, that boy had put his entire weight behind that punch.

He deserved it.

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