When the car stopped on its destination, kavish couldn't control himself to say, "Suhana, I am going outstation for few days. When I will come, I will tell you." He took that decision at last moment because He didn't want her to avoid him. But he knew she will. He didn't want to give her opportunity to stay away from him. He was scared that she won't come back to him if he gave her opportunity.

Suhana was shocked to hear it because Kavish didn't tell her before. But she was relieved because she needed some time think about them. She thought everything is fine between them. She didn't feel uncomfortable with him like others. But what happened today. How did her body react? She needed time to think. She nodded without looking at him, "ok". She opened the car door and got out. Without looking at him back or say anything, she left. Kavish looked at her back gloomy mood. He thought after hearing it, she will say something or react but she didn't.

He hit the car window glass with forcefully. The glass was high quality but it was not compared to his force. That's why it cracked. The driver looked at horror. He cried, "Sir"

Kavish ordered as nothing happened, "drive."

The driver looked at him and tried to open his mouth, "But sir...."

Kavish was not in mood to talk anything else. He glared driver and roared, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

The driver had no dared to say anything that's why he started to drive. Kavish didn't like anybody suggest him anything. Only Suhana was exceptional to him.

The blood was dripping from his hand but the physical pain was nothing compared to his heartache.

When the car stopped, Kavish got out and went inside his villa. Shyam looked at him and greeted. But Kavish didn't look at him. Shyam was working for him for many years that's why he can understand his mood by looking at his face. His master came with good mood since last month. He knew the reason because Ravi told him everything. What happened today? Why his master mood is off? Ravi didn't say anything to him that's why nothing happened in company. And as he knew, Master should be with Miss Trivedi before coming here. Something clicked on his mind. Only Miss Trivedi can change his master mood.

Kavish went to his room without saying anything to him. He went to driver for asking the suitation. When he looked the cracked window, he startled. His master stopped to hurt himself since Miss Trivedi denied him. Then what happened now? He asked driver, "What happened?"

The driver was confused because he knew nothing. He tried to remember something important but he couldn't, "I don't know. When Miss Trivedi left, boss suddenly hit his fit on window glass. I saw blood was dripping fron his hand. Before I asked to go doctor, boss gave me order to drive."

Shyam was also confused. He asked again, "try to remember. Something happened between miss and master. They fought or say anything eachother."

The driver tried to remember and shook his head, "They were silent whole time. Boss told madam that he is going to outstation tomorrow for few days. And nothing else."

Shyam couldn't understand what's going on? May be Miss Trivedi angered that master was going for few days. But isn't it normal to go for business trip? He told driver, "Give this car for maintenance." the driver nodded and left.

Kavish came to his room and dialled Ravi's number, "Arrange to go tomorrow City Y for few days." And he hung up call. Ravi was confused otherside. He looked at his mobile with shocked. His boss denied to go outstation because he wanted to spend time with Miss Trivedi. Now what happened suddenly? Even, other party was not ready and his boss told him at night. How can other party arrange everything in one night? Otherside, Singh group has a branch in city Y. If boss is going there, it's sure he will inspect everything. And hiss boss won't afford any mishaps. How can branches employees be ready in one night? But it's his duty to follow his boss's order. That's why he informed every related person. As expected, other peoples complained but he couldn't do anything in front of his boss's order.

After knocking at door, Shyam entered into Kavish's room and said, "Sir, the doctor is here." Only he has permission to come into his room. Shyam looked Kavish sat on couch with closing his eyes. He knew Kavish was not sleeping.

Kavish frowned after hearing it. 'Who told him to call doctor?' he said without opening his eyes, "I don't need doctor." Shyam looked at his injured hand. The blood was stopped but it's not good leaving like it. The injury needed to medicine otherwise it's infected.

Shyam opened his mouth, "But sir, it's needed treatment."

Kavish opened his eyes with anger and glared him, "Didn't you hear what I say? Why do I need to repeat to all of you?"

Shyam was scared to him but he knew he couldn't leave his master like it. He encouraged himself and said, "Sir, otherwise I informed to Miss Trivedi. It's already late. She is resting this time. It's not good to disturb her this time. You know she doesn't like you are injured."

Kavish asked, "Are you threatened me?"

Shyam gulped his saliva, "Sir, I have no choice if you don't take treatment."

Kavish also wanted to know how will she react after hearing he is injured. Will she really come to him if she knows? But he was scared what if she won't come. He didn't want to kill his hope. He decided to give her time to think that's why he will wait. He stood up and gave order, "Don't need to tell her anything."

Shyam nodded. If his master took treatment, he won't disturb Miss Trivedi's rest.

The doctor checked the injury. It was not deep cut. But doctor gave him medicine to apply and gave instructions to take precautions. Shyam noted everything to behalf of his master.

The following morning, Suhana took leave from her office. She couldn't sleep whole night. She was thinking but she couldn't reach any decision. She didn't want to office in tired and absent mood. Mrs Trivedi looked at her and asked with concern, "Suhana, what happened? You look tired."

Suhana said, "Mom, I am ok. I took leave today for rest."

Mrs Trivedi was happy after hearing it, "Good. Go and wash yourself. I will arrange the breakfast. After eating breakfast, take some rest."

Suhana nodded. After eating, she slept because she was really tired after thinking so much but couldn't reach any decision. She thought that it's better to go office.

The next day, she asked Mr Sharma for important project. Mr Sharma was shocked because he asked Suhana for take a new project which was important and urgent. He was sure if Suhana would incharge of that project, he didn't need to worry. But Suhana denied. He couldn't force her because he knew she didn't want to do. It's better not to involve her. But now, she asked herself.

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