After finished his work, they went to restaurant. Ravi already booked the private room for them. Suhana and Kavish ate in peaceful atmosphere. They didn't talk much but there was not awkward between them. Even, they enjoyed their dinner.

As usual, the car stopped a far from her house. Suddenly, she remembered that Ravi gave her card. She took out card and gave to Kavish, "I don't need it."

Kavish didn't take the card back but asked with raising his eyebrow, "Why? Don't you come tomorrow?" Everything was good between them. Then what's happened wrong? He didn't know why she was giving him back? He was sure he didn't take it back.

Suhana shook her head, "It's not like it."

Before she finished, he asked with smile, "Then you will come tomorrow. "
She nodded. he asked again, "why are you giving  it back? You will need it."

Suhana opened her mouth, "I can call Ravi or you. I have no problem to wait. It's not that I will come without telling you. Kavish, you know I work for other company. It's not good to have me this card." Even, she didn't say directly but she hoped Kavish would understand what she wanted to say. There was important documents into his office and she didn't want to take risk. She didn't want their relationship would get worse because of any misunderstanding. She believed herself that she wouldn't do anything that's why kavish would get hurt. But she didn't know how much Kavish trust on her. That's why she wanted to clear that their relationship was not because he is rich and has power and status. But because she wants it heartily. She will never take advantage of him.

Kavish didn't say anything for few seconds. He understood what she wanted to say. He held her wrist and pulled her towards himself. Suhana didn't expect it. She looked at him shocked. He wrapped his hands around her waist and took her close himself. Their faces were few inches away. They could feel eachother breath on their faces. He told, "Suhana, I gave it to you because I trust you. I know you very well. That's why you don't need to worry about other matters. I can give you anything whatever you want. So don't think to much.

If you think it's not appropriate you to work in another company, you can join my company. I am sure there will be a suitable position in my company for you, if you want." It's true he can give her anything and he trusts her. It's rare chance that she would take advantage of him. But if she will, he would be happy. She was his that's why his everything is naturally hers.

Suhana was shocked after hearing it. Singh group is not like other normal companies. Anybody can't be part or enter in Singh Group until he or she completed many requirements. And here kavish offered her job without thinking.

She shook her head, "No, no... I am happy with my current job." She didn't want to enter into company by back. She didn't know what will be happen to their relationship in future. That's why she couldn't gamble her job which she achieved after many efforts.

Kavish was disappointed to hear her deny but he respected her decision. He told with determination, "ok if you don't want. But don't deny to take this card. I won't take it back."

She tried to say, "But...." Before she could say more, he put his lips on her lips. In starting, his kiss was gentle but soon, he lost his control and his kiss got aggressive.

Before he lost in his desire, he broke the kiss and looked at her who was looking at him with daze. He wanted to take her his home and continue but he knew she was not ready yet.

He straighten her hairs with his fingers and said with hoarse voice, "Good night. I will wait for you tomorrow."

She came into her senses when she heard his voice. She blushed and nodded shyly. She didn't know what to say that's why she thought it's good to escape from this suitation. She got out from car and rushed towards her home. Kavish looked at her back and smiled. It took many deep breaths to surpass his desire. He knew if she stays with him for more few seconds, he couldn't control his desire and attacked her. He gave ordered to driver to drive his villa. He couldn't work in this suitation.

Everything was going smoothly between Suhana and Kavish. Whenever she has time at lunch or dinner, she came to spend time with him. She didn't take important or urgent project otherwise she couldn't spend time with Kavish. Meanwhile, Kavish managed his work according to her. Kavish was busy but he has time for her anytime. He didn't have problem to do work late night if he was spending time with her.

As usual, Suhana was waiting for him in his cabin while he was busy in important international video meeting. Suhana understood his work importance that's why she was not in hurry. They ate dinner in office. Kavish somehow arranged few minutes to eat with her. After eating, he again got busy in meeting. He asked her to wait as he could drop her to her home. She tried to deny and said, "Kavish, it's ok. I understand you are busy. I can go myself."

But Kavish denied strictly, "No, wait for me. I will send you. Understood?"

She didn't want him to late his work that's why she agreed.

In online game, she was trying to clear stage but she couldn't since last many attempts. Kavish was busy and she was waiting that's why she was not in hurry. But she was disappointed. She pouted and murmured herself, 'Ugh, why couldn't I clear this stage? Suhana, be positive. You can do it. Try again.'

She tried again but failed. She tried again many times but everytime she failed.

Kavish came after finishing his meeting. He lose his tie with tiredly and looked Suhana who was sad. He sat beside her and put his hand on her shoulder. He bend towards her and asked, "Suhana, what happened?" Their relationship was improving and it was normal to them to intimate. Suhana also felt comfortable with him.

Suhana locked her mobile and looked at his tired face. She asked with concern, "You are looking tired."

Kavish nodded and said seriously, "Yeah, I am little tired. But it's ok. After taking rest, I will be fine."

Suhana looked at him. She was worried for him but she didn't know what to do. She asked with hestitation, "Can I give you massage or do anything?"

Kavish chuckled after hearing her concern. He took her into his arms and took deep breath, "It's ok. Stay with me for few minutes. I will be fine."

Suhana didn't say anything and not move. After few minutes, kavish gain his energy back and asked, "You didn't tell me why you were upset."

Suhana smiled, "it's nothing important. It's about game. I can't clear stage after many times. That's it."

Kavish asked while raising his hand, "Give me your mobile."

Suhana didn't understand what he wanted to say and asked, "What?"

He smiled, "I will help you clear stage."

Suhana laughed and looked at him amusement, "Kavish, you are kidding right? You never play game. Don't worry. I will clear stage later. It's not important."

Kavish raised his eyebrows, "Are you underestimate me? In childhood, I was expert in games."

Suhana chuckled, "Really?"

Kavish didn't like she didn't believe him. He took her mobile and said stubbornly, "Let me show you."

Actually, Suhana didn't take it seriously. She was really amazement after looking at him stubborn. By the way, she already failed many times that's why it's not like she would failed few more times.

Kavish opened the app seriously. After  understanding rules carefully, he started to play seriously. Suhana was also looking mobile screen. Looking at his moves and speed, she was really impressed. She was playing that game since many months ago but she couldn't reach at his speed. In first time, his speed was amazing. After few minutes, when she looked at message on mobile screen, she was shocked. She looked at him unbelievable and asked, "you really.... It's real..... Is it your first time?"

Kavish looked at her stunned face with proudly and asked in return, "What do you think?"

Suhana looked at screen again. It was real. There was a smile on her lips. She looked at him with gladly and kissed on his cheek, "Thank you."

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