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I woken up to feel someone nudging my head.
I open my eyes to see Tony standing next to me while I was sleeping in the arms of a sleeping Pietro

"nothing is going on huh?Who even told you you're alowed to have a boyfriend?" He sounded angry

"Well...." I was gonna continue but he cut me off.
"OMG,okay. Talk later. Work now"he said walking back to his seat.

"He's annoying ,Right?"Pietro says 'god,I'm in love with his accent'

"You let me take all the blame ?"I acted hurt

"Yea"he said simply ,I rolled my eyes at him

"Come'n ,Speedy we have work to be done" I say softly and smile at him.

Someone clears their throat. I look to see Wanda smiling at us.

She indicates with her eyes to pay attention to Steve who was ready to tell us the plan.

I look to the front of the jet to see the sun starting to rise.

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." Steve begins and pauses before continuing.

"All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." Steve finishes his speech.

The jet lands and we all begin to do our part.

Wanda uses her powers to guide the people out safely, Tony is stalling Ultron, Bruce is finding Nat, Steve and Clint are on the streets, guiding people out of the city.

Vision and Thor are doing their own thing, and Pietro and I head to the police station.

"We're under attack! Clear the city, now!" I yell to everyone, but nobody moves. He looks at me.

"I got an idea" He tells me ,he took off and came back with a gun. He starts shooting in the air which gets all of their attention.

"Get off your asses" Pietro says ,then we both take off.

giving his gun to an officer on the way out.

We make our way to the streets. "Nice Idea back there,Speedy" I said.

"Yea what can I say" he said narcissistically ,I sighed

"You know you're cute ,Right?" I say.

He smiles at me and grabs my waist, pulling me close.
"Am I?!" he asked looking at my lips

I stand on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Yea" I said with a whisper.

his hands still lingering on my waist and his eyes travelled from my lips to my eyes and back to my lips.

We leand forward and our lips connected ,it was amazing,I felt like I was flying,it was my first kiss and it was magical.

I broke the long kiss
"I have to go find Steve"I said panting resting my forehead on his ,he licked his lips and nodded.

I then took off running off to find Steve with a huge smile on my face.
I find him guiding people off the bridge.

"Need help Granpa?" I ask Steve as I come to a stop beside him.

"If you're not busy with your 'speedy' anymore,Then yea " He mocks me.

"OMG!"I sighed with a smile

Violet sparks (Tony Stark's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now