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Finally, everyone had cleared out and only the team and Helen remained as They all sat around on the couch.
I sat on th ground next to Clint.

They were all talking about Thor's hammer and asking questions and all Thor kept talking about is being worthy.

"But it's just a trick!"Clint said trying to explain why no one is able to left it "No no it's much more than that"Thor said

"Omg not that lecture again"I said covering my ears Thor laughing at the move.

"Who's ever be worthy shall haveth up the power"Clint said with a deep voice
"Whatever man it's a trick" he said in his normal voice again
Which made me and Thor laugh alot.

"Well ,please be my guest" Thor said really confidently.

"Really?" Clint asked
"Come'n" Tony said
"Yeah"Thor said

"Clint, you've had a tough week we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up" Tony said while Clint went to the hammer, we all laughed.

"So, whoever left it will role Asgard?" I asked

"That's right lady Sky"Thor answered

"Fair enough"I shrugged my shoulders

"You know I saw this before,right?" Clint told Thor while holding the hammer and of course he couldn't left it.

"Come'on plastic man you will break your arm"I told him.

"Oh come'n"he said to me with a smile "I still don't know how you do it" he told Thor.

"Maybe it have a finger print or something"I guessed

"Do you mind asilent judgment"Tony said
"Please, start by all means"Clint told him

"It's physics"Tony said

"Wach out ,Thor Einstien is about to role your kingdom"I said which made all of them laugh at Tony who Shook his head with a smile.

"I'll be reinstituding Prima Nocta'" he saud trying to left it but couldn't

then he go gets his suit's hand and try again then of course he failed Rather than admitting defeat, He decides to get Rhodey to help him but they still cannot lift it.

"Com'n Stark you disappointed me" I said dramatically he just laughed at my way and sat again

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"Com'n Stark you disappointed me" I said dramatically he just laughed at my way and sat again.

Everyone tries and fails, but then It's Steve's turn

Violet sparks (Tony Stark's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now