Meet my other friend

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Today is Friday night and my dad was out working and I told Bendy that we were going to meet someone and he was a little weirded out by it "who? Who are we meeting?" He asked.

"It's just a friend and she wants to see you and she has another friend to that's kinda like you" I said and Bendy's face lighted up like he knew who we were gonna meet "wait,what does he look like?!" He asked "um...I don't know but all she told me was that he was a bunny" I said and his smile dropped "oh...".

"Are you okay?" I asked "'s just...yeah I'm fine" "okay...let's go see them then before my dad gets home" I said "which would be in a hour or two so we have plenty of time" Bendy said.

We both went downstairs to the door and we went outside and went to Deliah's house without being seen which wasn't easy until we got there.

Deliah's POV
I could see y/n outside with someone with her who I'm guessing was her friend Bendy so I got Springtrap and we went to the door.

I unlocked the door and I saw y/n "hey y/n" I said "hey Deliah,can we come in?" She asked "okay,my dad's not here so it'll be okay but when he comes back you have to leave" she said "okay,c'mon Bendy" she said.

I looked behind her but I couldn't make out what he looked like "Springtrap's waiting for you...and him" I said "hey kid,the names: Bendy,do I suggest you get it right cause I don't like being called "him" or "it" got it?" He said "o-oh um...yes okay...sorry" I said "Bendy! Oh my god...sorry Deliah" y/n said.

"It's okay y/n,anyway you can come in" I said letting them in. I let y/n and Bendy in and I saw Springtrap sitting in the living room "okay so he's in here" I said Leading them to the living room.

Me,Bendy and Deliah walked into the living room and I saw a...animatronic bunny...a yellowish/green bunny sitting on the couch looking at us or more like staring at us.

"So this Springtrap?" I asked "y-yeah this is him..." Deliah said "Deliah,who are these people?" Springtrap asked "oh um...well...Springtrap,this is my friend y/n and her other friend B-Bendy" she said "um...hi? I guess" I said feeling really awkward "oh,so Y/n's not the only one with a friend like me?" Bendy said "well um-"what does that mean?" Springtrap cutted off Deliah's sentence and got up.

"I'm taller than you y'know?" Springtrap said "and...uh okay...does it look like I care bugs bunny?" Bendy said making me giggle a little "oh no,uh-Bendy please don't fight with him!" Deliah said "me?! He's the one trying to start it!" Bendy said.

"Oh am I now?" Springtrap said "I think this guys brain must have a few loose screws cause I think he's forgetting everything we're saying" Bendy said making my giggle more and more but I didn't notice that Springtrap was looking at me.

"Oh? And I guess your little friend here thinks it's funny? Huh?" He said "look rabbit we can all be cool if you be cool,I didn't want to start a fight with you" Bendy said "my name is Springtrap!" He said.

Bendy's POV
This was getting annoying now,I just wanted to talk to this guy and now he thinks I'm trying to fight with him! "Hey kid...uh...Daisy? Delly? What's ya name again?" I asked "Deliah" she said "yeah Deliah um-you wanna tell your friend to calm down?!" I asked.

"R-right um...Springtrap please just be easy with him he's a nice guy I'm he?" Deliah asked y/n "well I'm still alive and well aren't I?" Y/n said "yeah I guess...see Springtrap? He's like you a bit..." Deliah said "well....okay...I guess,I'm sorry for y'know...being a dumbass and all...I just wanted to...I didn't know who you two were and...".

"Hey it's okay bunny man,can I call you that?" I asked "no...just call me by my real name" he said "okay then" I said.

After a while had passes we heard the front door open "oh crap!" Deliah said "is that yo ur dad?" Y/n asked "yes it is,quick get out of the window!" Deliah whispered and we both did that.

After me and y/n got out of the girls house...okay Deliah's house we went back to ours and her dad wasn't there,thank god.

"Hey um...Bendy do you like that Springtrap guy?" Y/n asked "I'm not sure...he kinda cool and all but I dunno" I said "he's kinda...weird in a way" Y/n said "yeah,maybe he's just not used to meeting new people" "maybe,we'll all probably be friends soon" I said "yeah maybe".

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