Chapter 4

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"You did all the research yourself?"

I nodded, becoming self-conscious at the fact that one of the most important Doctors in the country was reading my essay.

"Is it not good? I've spent hours checking up on all of the necessary information, and tried to add only the most reputable sources."

He didn't respond, his only motions the flicking of his wrist as he scrolled through the pages.

After a few more minutes of silent scrolling, his posture suddenly tensed, and he pushed his face closer to the screen.

That expression didn't look too good. The second I saw his eyebrows raise, I shot up, completely confused by his behaviour. Shit.

"What's the matter? Did I fuck up already?"

"No, I... I just wasn't expecting for you to use me as one of your sources."

For the first time in my life, I was completely speechless. Life was just full of surprises.

"Of course I would use your texts as evidence- your word is literal law in the medical field!"

His ears had turned a touch pink, and the skin under his trimmed facial hair slightly flushed.

I think I was on the brink of an orgasm. Seeing Nikolai embarrassed was making my blood rush to all my privates. I was definitely going to keep this memory for later tonight- I desperately needed some me time.

"How did you even find this information? I wrote this years ago, and haven't seen it published since."

This was probably not the right time to tell him that I had googled his name plenty times and had eagerly clicked on every single link. So I went with the closest truth.

"I was searching online and your piece showed up. So I took that as a source and found a few others for credibility."

"That was a smart idea. It should be able to boost your score significantly."

He stopped reading, and closed the Document, before ejecting the USB.

"But Dr. Romanov, there were still a few more pages left..."

I trailed off, wondering if he hadn't noticed the extra pages. I was really relying on his advice to push my piece into top-tier level. Shit.

"How long did it take you to write this?" He swiveled his chair and flicked his eyes onto me, surveying my expression whilst waiting for an answer.

"Around a month? Possibly longer... I've kind of forgotten the meaning of time  over the last couple years."

"That's rather quick. Most students spend at least Three months to draft it up."

I raised my eyebrows, "That makes sense. But I'm sure most of them still have friends and a social life."

I wanted Nikolai to realise that I wasn't here to take the easy way out. I had fought long and hard to get to where I was today. And I, Bella Campbell was definitely not a fucking skiver.

"Ah I guess you don't let such things distract you. I approve of that work ethic."

Were my eyes playing tricks on me, or had I just seen Nikolai's mouth tip up? He probably just wasn't used to people voicing their opinions and answering him back.

"On a more serious note, let's talk about your essay." Any signs of playfulness dropped from his face, as sexy mouth turned sombre.

Fuck, my heart was in my panties. This didn't look too good.

"It was unique, bold and discussed many viewpoints from all angles. You interwieved your arguments seamlessly, without dwelling on each subject for too long. Your critique of each argument was foolproof and held weight."

My eyes expanded as I leaned towards him, not believing what I was hearing.

"You liked it?"

He nodded in agreement. "It was extremely well composed. I will look forward to reading it in its entirety once it's published."

"Wow, thank you. I wasn't expecting that, I guess all my hard work pays off eventually!" A timid smile broke out on my lips, and my eyes sparkled as I laughed in genuine delight.

"You have no idea what a relief it is to hear good feedback. I've kind of been struggling the last few months, and feeling a bit lethargic."

"Well it didn't show in your writing."

He seemed to be at a loss for words, unsure how to proceed after giving me the feedback. I was almost 100% certain that he had not spoken so much to anyone in his whole life. He was always so dignified and quiet, and mainly kept to himself.

Ha ha, it was like I was his first.

He got up from the chair, and passed the USB to me. I took it from his hand, but not before I grazed his skin with my fingertips.

I felt dizzy immediately, and heard a sharp intake of breath before looking up. His penetrating eyes crashed into more mine, as we both stood still and quiet. I dropped my gaze onto his sexy mouth, and instantly he licked his full lips.

Fuck, his scent was messing with my head. By the time I looked back up, his eyebrows were clenched and his eyes glinted with earnest. As if coming to our sences, we both backed up, putting a safe amount of distance between us.

"I owe you for this. Thanks for the boost of confidence," I put on a calm façade, as I reached for my coat, not wanting to leave this cocoon of dreams and face reality yet.

"It's no problem," passing it to me, he silently watched me as I made my way to the door.

I shone him my special, sexy smile before taking one last meaningful look at him before I bounced out of the door.

Just as I began to walk towards the elevator, I heard the quick slapping of feet behind me and was stopped by a strong hand clamping down on my shoulder.

I whirled around, and Nikolai dropped his strong grip, instead thrusting something into my hands.

"Give me your number Ms. Campbell, I have a proposal that I would like to send to you once I decide on the details."

"A proposal? For what?"

"It's something that could boost your career even further and prepare you for working life. But don't worry about the details now."

Shocked, I quickly nodded at him in consent. There was no way I would pass up on giving him my number. Fuck this was really happening!

"Sure. I think I can reign in my curiosity for a while."

Excitedly I typed in my number, all the while marveling at his massive phone that was made for larger hands then mine. He was waiting patiently, with his hands tucked into his pocket, a vision of calmness.

Once finished, I pressed the phone back into his open palm, and he wrapped his fingers around it and my hand. This time he didn't let go straight away, but gave me a small nod and a low "thank you", before slowly unraveling his hand from mine.

His back tensed as he turned around and walked slowly back into the office we had just exited.

Biting my lip so hard from all the excitement and happiness bubbling inside of me, I spun around and made my way downstairs.

This day had gone so much better then I had expected, and I was still riding through the high that I got every time I was near Dr. Romanov.

Unlocking the door to my house, I collapsed on the couch, tired from the days experience. Closing my eyes, I was transported back into his office. With his scent around me and his dark grey eyes piercing a piece of my soul.

And realised that somehow in that cold and basic room, I had never felt more vibrant and alive.

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