I put my knees up to my chest and put my head in my knees. I felt tears fill up my eyes and someone came and sat next to me.

" Austin.." Alex said.

I didn't say anything and he continued ;

" She only wrote something to you.."

I looked up at him and he had a note in his hand.

I hesitantly grabbed it and slowly read it. Tears slipped out of my eyes as I got further into the note.

" Cmon Austin.." Alex said a few minutes after I finished it.

I could stop staring at the last few words..

I love you Austin Carter Mahone.. The true love of my life..

I wouldn't be okay without her. I'm not gonna be fine. I'm not gonna be able to move on. I can't.

Alex pulled me up and I leaned on him. He grabbed my sunglasses and I put them on. We walked down to my car and Ac got in the driver seat as I got in the passenger.

Everything seemed like it was going in slow motion. It felt like we were moving slowly. Eventually we got to the hospital and we walked inside.

" Where's Robert and Zach ?" I asked

" There already here." He said

We walked to the front desk and Alex said ;

" Ashton Dawson."

The lady looked and she said ;

" I don't see anyone by that name in the system."

" Ashton Mahone ?" Alex said

" Yes there is an ashton mahone." She said

" What room ?" He asked

" 136." She said giving me a suspicious look.

" What ?" I asked as my voice cracked.

" Why are you wearing sunglasses ?" She asked

" Because. " I said than walked away.

We walked to her room and I slowly walked in. I immediately saw Robert and Zach.

" They might have to do a surgery on her.." Robert said

I swallowed the lump in my throat and I nodded.

" Guys." Alex said

He motioned for them and they walked out. The closed the door when they walked out and I walked to her.

Her face was the same beautiful face I fell in love with. I pushed her hair out of her face and a tear slipped out.

" Mr mahone ?" I heard a female voice say.

I looked behind me and I saw a nurse.

" Yes ?" I chocked out.

" There going to take her for a surgery. Your welcome to stay here or go into the waiting room. " she said

I backed up and sat in the corner on the couch. The nurses took her away and I sat there silently, looking at the wall, feeling my heart break.

I got on my phone and immediately saw a picture of me and ashton. I smiled and tears slipped out of my eyes. I locked it again and I laid my head back. I drifted away when I heard ;

" Austin.."

• 3 hours later•

I woke up and saw ashton was back in the room. Alex Robert and Zach were surrounding her.

" How are we gonna tell him ?" Alex asked

" The doctor said he would do it.." Zach said

" I can't tell him.. I don't want to see his reaction.." Robert said

" Boys ?" I heard a male voice say. I looked over and the doctor walked in.

" Yes ?" They said

" Do you want me to tell him ?" He asked

" Yes.." Alex said

" Mr mahone please come with me." The doctor said looking at me.

I stood up and the boys looked at me and gave me a sympathetic look.

We walked into the hall and he looked at me.

" Mr mahone. We were in the middle of the surgery and something happened. Her heart stopped. We revived her but it was hard. She has a 10% chance of living now and if she doesn't wake up in 1 week we are pulling the plug on the machine." He said

I stood there and the pain came back of heart break. I didn't say anything and he gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked away. My head dropped and i couldn't breathe. But no tears.

I walked back in the room and they searched my eyes for emotions but couldn't. My sunglasses were still on. I just sat there looking at ashton and saw how peace full she looked.

Suddenly the memory of when I saw her for that first time. And every time I've seen her after.. I dropped and started bawling.

I felt Zach and Robert pick me up.

" Should we take him home ?" Alex asked

They nodded yes and they carried me through the hospital as I was bawling.

Right when we got to the elevator I got out of the grip and ran back to Ashton. I bursted through her door and ran to her side.

I sat there looking and her and the boys walked in.

" Don't take me away from her.." I said

" Austin we need to go." Alex said

A few seconds later the cops walked in.

" Can I help you ?" I asked

" Mr mahone I'm gonna need you to come with me." They said

I bent down and kissed ashton on the forehead and walked out of the room. They followed and we went to the elevator. We got down to the main level and I looked at the boys. They shook their heads no and we walked out of the hospital.

I looked at them once more and then said ;

" I'm sorry.."

Then booked it.

" Austin !" They yelled

I ran as fast as I could and I stopped Right when I saw Kameron.

" Hello mahone." He smirked

" I'm not taking your bullshit." I said then pulled out my gun.

" Your not gonna shoot me." He said

" This is for making ashton feel so worthless she decided to kill herself. She has a 10% chance of living. This is a big fuck you Kameron." I said then pulled the trigger. It shot him Right in the heart and he dropped dead. The cops ran up to me and tackled me. They pushed the guns out of my hands and put me in handcuffs.

" Austin Mahone you are under arrest for the murder of Steve Dawson and Kameron Dawson." They said picking me up and carrying me to the cop car.


Steve is Ashton's dad I can't remember what his name was btw.

And guys. That's the end.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Peace and love you guys.❤️✊

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