Chapter 14

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I woke up to hear people talking down stairs. I got up and heard Michele.

" Well are they dating ?" I heard her say.

" I don't know but ashton is grounded and she's been sneaking out to see him. I can't accept this." I heard my dad say.

" Austin isn't suppose to be dating or seeing anyone with what happened to one girl he was seeing." Michele said

" What happened ?" Valerie asked

" He got a girl pregnant." She said

My eyes got wide. Stacy.. He got Stacy Howard pregnant..

" We can't let this go on anymore." Valerie said.

Shut up you little skank.

" Don't tell ashton we told you." I heard Addie said.

They figured it out... I felt my heart sink to my stomach and I walked to downstairs.

" What's going on ?" I asked

" Got anything to tell us ?" Jordan said.

" Nope." I smiled

" Have you been seeing my son ?" Michele asked

I didn't answer her and she stormed outside.

I went after her and Austin walked outside.


" What are you talking about ?" He said in a snotty voice.

" You have been seeing Ashton! " She yelled

He looked at me and I said ;

" They found out."

" How ?" He asked

I pointed towards the girls and he shook his and looked down.

" Yes. I have been seeing Ashton. No we aren't dating. And do I regret not listening to you ? Not one fucking bit." He said walking to me.

" I have liked this girl for a long fucking time and I finally got her." He said looking at me.

I smiled and him and stood on my tip toes and kissed him.

I felt someone jerk us away from each other and I saw Kameron.

He threw me to the side and punched Austin.

Austin went after him but the guys ran to him and held him back.


" Why ?! You hate her and you grounded her for having a little fun. And she speaks the truth about your little family you got going on there. Her skanky step mom ruined her family. Her slutty step sister ruined her life. Her brother said he hated her and worst of all her dad beats and rapes her. Yeah I think the girl needs a little getaway." He said trying to get out of the boys grip.

" Your lying ! " Kameron yelled

" Am not !" Austin yelled.

" You are to never see my sister again.!" Kameron yelled

" And you !" Kameron yelled looking at me.

" If I ever catch you with this boy I will ship you away and you WILL never see him again." He said

I felt my heart sink and I looked at Austin with tears in my eyes.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Dirty little secret.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon