Chapter 22

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"Austin wake up." I heard ashton say.

I opened my eyes and saw we were back in Miami. I looked at Ashton and she looked depressed.

" You okay ?" I asked

" Yeah." She sighed.

They started letting us off the plane and it was late out.

" Wanna get something to eat ?" I asked

" I don't care." She said

Once we got off the plane, walked out of the airport and found my car we went to chick Fil a. We just went through the drive through and quickly got food. We went back to the apartment and she finished her food.

"I'm gonna go take a shower okay ?" She said

" Okay." I said then turned on the movie step brothers and the guys sat down next to me.

• Ashton's POV •

I walked into the bathroom and closed and locked the door. I turned on the shower but I didn't get it. I opened the cabinet we had in there.

I grabbed a bottle of pills and opened it. I dumped them onto the counter.

I quietly opened the door and quickly grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I walked back into the bathroom and locked it again.

Then, I wrote.

To my amazing, wonderful, sexy, loving boyfriend, Austin.

Austin. You are my world. My everything. My world. The love of my life. I'm sorry for hating you. It's the worst thing I ever done. I'm sorry austin. I can't handle it anymore. I know kameron will come after me again and I won't forgive my self if you get hurt or even killed over me. So to prevent that from happening.. I'll leave.. And I can't stand knowing that my parents are disappointed in me.. And knowing that my brother and father are okay with people beating and rapping me.. Thank you for everything Austin. I'll never forget all of our memories. Like all the times I would sneak out of my house to come to yours, or when we ran away. I'll never forget the time when we went onto the beach in 3 in the morning and went skinny dipping. Or when we went dress shopping for no reason and you actually put on a dress on.. Or the time when we went to that Rihanna concert.. And I will forever remember when you told me you loved me for the first time.. I love you with all my heart Austin.. But I can't stand being on this earth anymore. Move on and find someone else who is worth it. I don't deserve you. You deserve better than me. You'll be fine without me..

I love you Austin Carter Mahone.. The true love of my life..

I turned on the sink water and grabbed a cup we had in there for some unknown reason.

I filled it with water and put all the pills in my mouth and drank the water.

I felt something hit my head and I saw the ground.

" Ashton ? Are you okay ?" I heard Austin say.

I could barely see and I heard the door get kicked open. I saw his mouth open and tears fell from his eyes.

" Ashton !" He yelled

" I'm sorry.." I said as it got darker and darker until it was completely dark.

• Austins POV •

I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. The boys ran next to me and stopped when they saw Ashton. They quickly went to her and I still couldn't move. Alex quickly called an ambulance but i couldn't move. They pushed me out of the way when the paramedics got there and I slid down the wall.

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