Chapter 16

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" Babe Wake up." I heard Austin say shaking me. I didn't even realize I fell asleep. I looked out the window and saw miami get closer as we landed.

We weren't to close to the ground and I saw the beach in the distance with apartment buildings next to it.

" babe." I said grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards the window.

" Let's stay there." I said pointing towards the buildings I had seen.

" If that's what you want then I'm all for it." He said

" You two are cute." A old woman said

" Thank you." I smiled

" What brings you to Miami if you don't mind me asking." She said

" Just visiting. We needed to get away from our parents. " I said

" You ran away didn't you." She said

" Yeah." Austin said

" Me and my husband ran away when we were 17. He was the love of my life and still is today." She said smiling.

" Where is he now ?" I asked

" I'm spreading his ashes. He wanted to be spread in the water of Miamis beach. " she said

" I'm so sorry." Austin said

" Don't be. We spent a whole life together full of laughs and tears. Yes we fought but what couple Doesn't ? We had 3 children together and I wouldn't trade them for the world." She smiled

" Do you know why he wants them in the ocean by miami ?" I asked

" That's where we ran away to." She smiled

" And you spent the rest of your lives together ?" Austin asked

" Yes." She said

" What was his name ?" He asked

" Carter." She smiled.

I smiled and Austin said ;

" Why did you run away ?"

" My parents didn't approve of him." She said

Before we could say anything the plane had landed and it was time for us to get off.

" I never got your name." She said before getting off.

" I'm Austin and this is ashton." Austin said

" I've always loved that name. Ashton." She said

I smiled and we got off the plane and the warm miami breeze hit me causing my hair to fly behind me a little. It felt good in Miami. It wasn't to hot, to cold. It was just right.

" You want to stay in those apartments by the beach ?" Austin asked

" Yeah." I said

" Alright." He said pulling out his phone.

He Found the number of the buildings and called them. He made an appointment with them and then put his phone back in his pocket.

" Excuse me !" I heard a woman say.

I turned around to see the lady that we were talking to on the plane.

" Hi." I smiled

" Would you mind helping me ? I can't find an employee." She said

" Of course." Austin said and started walking to the luggage line.

" it's this one and this one." She said pointing to 2 bags.

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