Chapter 6: The Worst Yet To come

Start from the beginning

 "But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities. This special training is at an off-campus facility so we'll be taking a bus to get there that's all start getting ready." He stated

 We all got up and grabbed our costumes and went to change. I decided that it would be better if I left the mask off for this. After all, this is just rescue training no one gonna see my face but I kept the face paint mark. Everyone in the boy's locker room got really confused when I pulled out the bag that held the Leviathan's ax. 

"Um, Atreus-san what's that you didn't have that last time." I heard Midoriya ask from

 behind me, I turned to Midoriya who was in his gym uniform since his costume gat destroyed in his fight with Bakugo.

 ' let's freak them out a little. '

 "It's an Ax," I said as I presented it

 everyone except Bakugo and Todoroki began to freak out at this.

 " A-an ax what for," Midoriya asked nervously

 I gave him an 'Isn't it obvious look'

 "It's a tool I'm going to be using," I said

They were all still really nervous knowing that they were now in the same room as someone with an ax.

 "Atreus-san we are going to rescue training what purpose could an Axe possibly serve in this training," Ilda said as he was doing his air chop while speaking

 "You realize axes can be used for more than just combat right. Like breaking debris in a collapsing building. Not to mention its special properties" I stated

 they were once again confused.

 "Special properties, Like what?" Kirishima asked

 I hung the ax from my back and started to walk out.

 "maybe you'll find out later," I said

 my vagueness obviously unsettled them but at the moment for me their reactions were priceless and I was suppressing laughter as I went outside to the  buses

Small Time skip Brought to you by Chibi Class 1A Freaking out over Chibi Atreus chasing Chibi Bakugo with the Leviathans ax. 

I Arrived outside followed by the rest of my classmates and I started thinking about my dream and all of the strange events that occurred in the first week alone. I was brought out of my thought by none other than Ilda.

 "Hey you alright?" he asked

 I shook the thought and looked at him.

 "oh yeah just a little distracted is all,"  I said

thankfully this was a satisfying answer for him.

"well you're going to need to focus we're about to leave. Now let's get everyone aboard the buses" He said and we then walked over to the buses and Ilda pulled out a whistle from his costume and blew it.

 "GATHER AROUND CLASS 1-A!" He yelled to which I sweatdropped at. 

 "I'm pretty sure yelling is unnecessary there Ilda," I said

He was still holding the whistle and was yelling instructions for easy loading onto the bus. As he finished instructions I climbed inside the bus and found that it had a very open seating arrangement.

 'this isn't going to go how Ilda wanted it to' 

after a while, everyone was inside and the bus set off for this secret training facility and Ilda was feeling pretty bummed about his plan not working out how he thought it would.

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