Chapter 4: Battle training

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The next day seemed like it was going to normal which I breathed a sigh of relief since we still didn't know what those Draug were. I showered got dressed grabbed a quick snack and I was going to make my way to school. However, I was stopped by father calling me from behind the house. 

"Atreus come here" Father called

 'really wish he would give me more information than that.'

 I made my way around the back and I saw that he had trapped one of those Draug from yesterday in Freyas roots. 

"there was a smaller group that attacked when you were asleep and I was able to capture this one." Father explained

 I was starting to think that this was going to become a regular thing. 

" have you and Freya been able to figure anything out about them." I asked

 Freya then exited her house and came over to us "They're reanimated corpses similar to Draugr however they appeared to have been deliberately and purposefully made this way by someone." Freya explained as she forced the roots to crush the Draug killing it and causing it to dissapear.

This was highly alarming normal Draugr are usually souls who perished in combat and refused the call of the Valkyrie. But these were deliberately made by someone? 

"what madman would reanimate corpses? For an army?" I asked

 Father seemed to agree with that thought.

"Madmen and their madness cannot be understood by anyone but themselves.  If this is the start of some kind of army we may need to prepare for the worst" Father spoke as he went back inside this thought would weigh heavy on my mind as I went to school

 When I arrived I saw a few of my classmates said hello and went inside thankfully I remembered the way to class. when I got there a few people were chatting but it wasn't too loud so I didn't care. I found my seat and waited for class to begin. After a little while, Mr. Aizawa popped up from behind his desk and told us how the regular day would work. In the mornings we would have normal core classes like English with Present Mic who has way too much energy. While what he was teaching was pretty damn boring and judging from how everyone else looked that was a popular opinion.

 After that, we have lunch in the main cafeteria where we can buy some damn good food for pretty cheap. When Izuku saw that it was the cook hero LunchRush he started fanboying. In the afternoons is where the fun begins cause that means it's hero basic training. We were all sat down wondering when our teacher was coming when we heard a voice from outside the door.

 "I AM HERE!" The door then flew open and we were greeted by All Might. "Coming through the door like a Hero!" All Might said as poked his body into the room

 everyone got excited at the fact that we were actually gonna be taught by the number one hero. Personally, I was a little bit underwhelmed cause how people always described him kinda hyped him up a lot.

 'I am an actual god so I'm not the easiest to impress. hey isn't that his silver age costume?'

 my nerdy knowledge of heroes and my pride as a god were fighting a little bit as All Might strutted into the room. 

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A. high think of it as Heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good. let's get into it today's lesson we'll pull no punches" All Might said hyping us up

 Bakugo and I were clearly the most excited, considering we were practically jumping with the urge to fight and I had fully woken up and had too much energy for what he was teaching. Midoriya as always was nervous always since he knew Bakugo would want to fight him one way or another.

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